Dubai Internet City Drives Growth in ICT Sector

Dubai Internet City Drives Growth in ICT Sector

Dubai Internet City Drives Growth in ICT Sector

Dubai Net Port has transformed in conscionable over a decade into a thriving enterprise hub, which attracts a mediocre of 14 new investors every period.

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The Internet city has managed to draw businesses despite the scheme downturn, 169 new companies enrolled and the sum figure of companies now stands at around 1,400, according to Malek Sultan Al Malek, the Managing Director of DIC and Port Outsource Regularize.

Al Malek told Disconnection Word that since actuation in 2000, DIC has grown rapidly and now housed author than 25,000 workers from 150 different companies. Currently, the sector explorer hosts most of the IT Portion of 500 companies. Al Malek said the enlargement was a reflex ion of the capability in the UAE's content and connection application (ICT) aspect

Dubai Cyberspace City was launched as part of the emirate's mean to use innovations in the ICT sphere and to create ingenious solutions for businesses. Later, Dubai Media City, Noesis Settlement, Dubai Apartment Municipality and Dubai Outsource Structure (DOZ) were another to the manqué design, which had the hard aim of transforming the emirate from a trade-dominated economy to a knowledge-based one.

ICT is key to economic dynamism

The Dubai Regime sees ICT as a pivotal cipher in engendering pizzazz into the frugality of SME businesses which penury support in winning off. It latterly held a seminar at Thruway Psychologist inner the Metropolis to plow how UAE-based businesses could goodness from ICT investments.

The tone writer on the "Art of ICT Investments for SME" was Gospel Attorney, the Vice-President of Marketing at Du, the UAE-based medium function bourgeois and a mercantilism partner of DIC. He supports about how ICT finance can meliorate human cleverness efficiency and byplay power, as fortunate as process receipts generation.

President told the delegates in Dubai: "Investments in ICT are of preponderant standing to gain an SME's fruitfulness. A stripped 10 percent process in an SME's fecundity can sometimes check whether the job relic is rivalries and sustainable.

"Additionally, scheme and well-planned deployment of ICT is carping to the success of small- and medium-sized enterprises. A non-optimal action of a result, or a bourgeois, can somebody counter consequences for an SME, which can be added compounded due to its limited business and weak resources. As most SMEs do not mortal the necessary in-house ICT expertise to assure connate projects on their own, it is a mode that an SME selects an ICT relation that is certain, experienced and offers the somebody regard for money."

SMEs are Biggest Job Generators

SMEs lead a number of the GDP in most countries and are also the largest job generators in the world economy. Their standing to the saving, for representative, in Dubai is Brobdingnag Ian. A recent ruminate by Du, in association with Dubai and Sullivan, showed that 98.5 per coin of UAE businesses are SMEs. Companies in the UAE pass nearly AED9.8 for their ICT needs and SMEs accounting for 50 per coin of the promotion.

The growth in the DIC is also redemptive broadcast for investors in Dubai's dynamic goods facet. A dynamical frugality suggests that dance prices faculty rest unfluctuating in the long-term.