A derivative is always problematic if you have noise or if the function is relatively ill behaved. For example if your 2D function looks like an egg carton, you will have many turning points. Do you want the "exact" turning point or is it sufficient to coerce it to an existing x (or x,y) position?

If you have a good mathematical model for the function, I would probably do a nonlinear fit and get the turning point analytically from the best fit paramters. If the function is relatively featureless, a polynomial fit (1D or 2D) might be sufficient for the same.

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So, I need to know where those turning points are in the original data series. I read some information like -local-extrema-of-a-density-function-using-splines. But I do not really understand the method. In that method, d$x[tp$tppos] looks not the original index. So how can I find the positions of all the turning points in the original data based on kernel density curve?

When you take density of a: Da = density(a) the result has the y values associated with many x's. That is where the plot comes from. To find the "turning points", you need to find the places that the derivative changes sign. Since the x values given in Da$x are increasing, Each

Da$y[i] - Da$y[i-1] has the same sign as the derivative at the ith point. You can find where these change sign by finding where the product of consecutive values is negative. So, putting this all together, we get:

I did my testing in Windows 11 on my IdeaPad 3, which has AMD processor and graphics plus NVMestorage. Not the most powerful of laptops, but certainly not the worst piece of hardware out there.Yet, I don't know how much the operating system contributed to the actual installation experience, butthe installation process wasn't stellar. It simply took too long. The installer told me that itcouldn't handle some file, so a reboot would be needed - I mean really, for a userspace tool - andthen, it took almost 10 minutes for the wizard to complete. That's enough time to install an entiredistro. Other than that, things seemed to be fine, at this point.

With the contextual layout in place, Writer now shows a pane of common styles, which is quite niceand useful. Fewer mouse clicks, more efficiency. A good starting point for more future improvements.Then, even though you get a lot of different layouts, there should actually be more flexibility in thepositioning of elements. You can't really randomly resize the toolbar height, and for some reason, theprogram ignored the Very Large icon setting in the preferences. I think the LibreOffice team shouldfocus on maintaining a smaller group of UI layouts, but then give them more focus and love.

The new suite does bring some goodies to the table - better Microsoft format support, more visualconsistency. However, it's also significantly more sluggish, and the support for the non-native formatsis average at best. You may be lucky and get a file to display correctly, after a while, or it may looktotally messed up. These aren't strong selling points, I must say. Do they give me the functionality Ineed, and thus independence from Microsoft Office? Nope. Quite the opposite. Overall, LibreOffice 7.2is okay, and I'd like to hope it will be an upward trajectory from here on. But the road to where itneeds to be - providing an ubiquitous solution to everyday office requirements - is long and twisty.And thus we conclude this article.

The article investigates time-series (TS) momentum strategies and their performance in financial markets based on various speeds or lookback horizons. The study aims to understand the connections between different speeds of TS momentum, unobservable variables like trend, turning points, and noise levels in realized returns, and their impact on market cycles.

"I don't know if you saw but they broke some windows, the terrorists did outside, people had things thrown at them," Kirk said. "We're not going to put up with force of trying to shut down people you don't like."

This is a key turning point for IoT, shifting the focus from IoT experiments to full-scale, trusted and manageable applications. It is a game-changer for manufacturers. However, to maximize Azure Sphere's value, manufacturers must think more broadly about the benefits of IoT and the cloud in combination with other technologies, such as AI and machine learning today, and soon others, such as AR/VR and blockchain.

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty is based on an alternate history by Stephen R. Pastore where the point of divergence occurs with Winston Churchill's death in 1931 from being hit by a cab while visiting New York City, instead of surviving.[5] Nine years later, without his foresight and leadership, the United Kingdom falls to the Third Reich in 1940 after the British Royal Air Force was defeated by the German Luftwaffe, achieving air supremacy, and Operation Sea Lion was launched, forcing Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to surrender to Nazi Germany. This allows Germany to sweep through the other surrounding countries virtually unopposed. The Third Reich invades the Soviet Union with Operation Barbarossa unhampered, and conquers large amounts of territory and many Russian cities, including Stalingrad, Leningrad, and Moscow. After numerous German victories decimate the disorganized Russians, the Red Army and Joseph Stalin surrender to the Wehrmacht and Adolf Hitler. The non-aggression pact Stalin made with Germany prior to the invasion left him without any allies to back him up. The Nazis also help their Italian allies conquer North Africa, creating Benito Mussolini's "New Roman Empire". Japan sweeps through Eastern Asia unopposed using Germany's captured Middle Eastern and Soviet oil, which makes any U.S. oil embargo against Japan useless. Various resistance groups form in occupied Europe against the oppressive regime. They are unable to do much against the Nazis, and many are crushed. Even peaceful demonstrations against Nazi occupation are met with fierce hostility.[6] During the war, the United States chose an isolationist policy, implemented by Republican president Thomas E. Dewey (who defeated Harry S. Truman in the 1948 United States presidential election).

A basic demo was released on the Xbox Live Marketplace on January 25, 2008, but no demo was released on the PlayStation Store. The demo showcased the initial level of the game and also demonstrated some gameplay features such as grappling and using enemies as human shields. The demo received negative feedback from gaming websites who criticized several disappointing aspects of the gameplay such as viewing sensitivity, problems with the AI, and graphics issues. The game's developers at Spark stated that the game should not be judged by the demo, and that they have corrected several of the issues many people had with it.[9]

Hi there, Turns out I had left the "Lange Wins the Snap Election" flag on for debugging when building out the game. I've just released a quick update which should have fixed this issue. Thank you and Seno900 for pointing this out.

A couple issues here, related, but somewhat different. One is market share and income, and the other is image. Microsoft still makes tons of money, as someone mentioned earlier, but their reputation is not good, particularly among next-generation web users who fear any group having too much power. These people may still use Microsoft products, but they are trying not to, and as more options arise, they will use other products even more. I put myself in this boat, still use powerpoint, but would not dream of using IE because I have more options in that area.

News Corp and yahoo are buying or attempting to create points of content creation ie myspace. Microsoft is building the channel in which this content flows to the end user, RSS and Vista as well as the RSS reader.

Just for the record my fame does not approach that of Kate Moss. I work rather anonymously in the media field. Why do I fear the publishers? Because they are interested in increasing scope of their copyright to the point that they will criplpe their side of the media business, much as the music business has with the idiotic provisions of DMCA, which did little to stop illegal downloading but did much to stifle uses that might have profitted the busuiness.

The rioters destroyed hundreds of synagogues and Jewish institutions throughout Germany, Austria, and the Sudetenland. Many synagogues burned throughout the night in full view of the public and of local firefighters, who had received orders to intervene only to prevent flames from spreading to nearby buildings. SA and Hitler Youth members across the country shattered the shop windows of an estimated 7,500 Jewish-owned commercial establishments and looted their wares. Jewish cemeteries became a particular object of desecration in many regions.

The events of Kristallnacht represented one of the most important turning points in National Socialist antisemitic policy. Historians have noted that after the pogrom, anti-Jewish policy was concentrated more and more concretely into the hands of the SS. Moreover, the passivity with which most German civilians responded to the violence signaled to the Nazi regime that the German public was prepared for more radical measures.

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