why are we even having this discussion, my computer is mine, microsoft literally has 0 rights to reboot outside of when I manually say to do so 

I am a tech enthusiast, but not a corporation capable of paying for features intended to be locked behind a "pro" license 

this means as a gamer I have one machine that absolutely MUST run 24/7 unless a 100% MANUAL reboot is authorized(due to having to babysit AU, due to the occasional broken update destroying the MBR, it happened at least once to me) 

so why is there not a simple "do not ever automatically restart for any reason, I must decide when directly every single time" option? 

sorry but I did actually update older windows(at least windows 7, when I ran xp I did not have internet to even allow automatic downloads while not online due to dial-up being the norm for me(no broadband cable providers existed at the time) so I am the case of "I decide when and if to update/restart, not someone who didn't pay money to build a computer"

this is not a question, this is a simple demand that microsoft will fulfill or be destroyed by class action lawsuits, these completely unjustified forced automatic reboots and driver changes have actually damaged the productivity of businesses and even students(who should never have had any issues) 

this is not even a "do it while I am asleep" thing, because laptops exist, devices with finite runtime often turned on for minutes and shut down/hibernated and only updated manually because you need to be 100% sure you won't need to unplug anytime soon(updates should never run on battery, for any reason) 

this is just a company deciding(wrongly we all agree) that they have any say in when the actual users reboot(they actually have no legal right to force reboots)

Turn Off Automatic Download And Install Of Updates 39; Is Set To 39;disabled 39;

Download Zip 🔥 https://urloso.com/2yGBhU 🔥

fix it now, and for all previous currently supported builds of windows, or leave the door open to the inevitable consequences 

it will either be >50% of all current windows users suing you for lost time, or it will be a complete decimation in your market share to a linux+wine solution(because people will not tolerate your bullying for long) 

I dabbled in linux for a bit, though I only tried a single build that was intended to mimic windows and had driver issues as a result, but I am actually on the verge of going full ubuntu, just to delete forced non-kernel update reboots as even something to consider as possible 

the pain of my 0% downtime devices going down for hours/days when I am not able to fix them due to physical proximity is like months of systematic torture compared to the mild ramen water burn of learning an os that is not at all under microsoft control

It would be great if we could have control of our own machines! This forced update just trashed a 5 hour 3d print job...microshaft did not buy my computer for me, nor are they paying for my internet service

Agree 100%. I cannot use our simulation computer since Windows updates keep on crashing out week-long simulations. A colleague runs a 1000-hour experiment that used to be controlled by a Windows PC, but it is not possible to operate a Windows 10 PC for 1000 hours without a Windows Update. He now uses Linux :'D

@Staab, Langdon The irony is that I actually find the Windows 11 an update that is cheaply trying to copy the UI of iOS which I didn't enjoy. Perhaps without losing certain core functionalities like having folders.

I couldn't agree more. Its a lot of pain cause Windows Start de updates and we can't use the computer while the update is installing and after that the machine keeps very slow. It affects my work, I have deadlines!

I think that I should be able to choose when to install de updates! A sugestion: Windows should ask at 17:30 and every 10 minutes about the updates, because its my end of day. Is is so difficult to develop? I really don't think so.

Completely turning off Windows updates is generally not recommended, as updates often include important security patches and bug fixes that help protect your system and keep it running smoothly. However, I understand your concern if you're facing compatibility issues with Windows 11 on your current hardware.

If you still want to disable Windows updates, keep in mind that doing so can leave your system vulnerable to security threats and might result in a less stable experience over time. If you decide to proceed, here's how you can do it:

Before proceeding with this method, I must emphasize that editing the Windows Registry can potentially cause serious issues if not done correctly. Make sure to back up your registry before making any changes.

Remember that even if you manage to turn off updates, it's important to keep your system secure. You might consider alternative solutions like using a more lightweight operating system or upgrading your hardware to meet the requirements of Windows 11.

I'm always surprised on how answers to topic's authors asking a specific question are not just answering this specific question and how answers' authors are always answering not only just to the question but feel the need to insist to other points that are not explicitly mentionned.

O.M.G. How is it that, in the year of our Lord 2024, we are still having to put up with this kind of utter nonsense from Microsoft? There should be an easy way to say DO NOT UPDATE THIS COMPUTER EVER AGAIN. One should not have to be a programmer, or risk messing up the registry - it's MS that is the problem, not us poor, pathetic, abused purchasers. Shame on you! I have followed so many instructions from MS alleged experts, and NOTHING HAS WORKED. And don't say disabling updates might cause green smoke to come out of the machine. The machine is all but destroyed with each update, shortcuts become inoperable, bluetooth has to be reset (NEVER FUN with MS, easy as pie with iOS and Android), and I could go on. And for this kind of bag of bolts you suggest we "upgrade" to Windows 11? And, worse, Windows 11 S, which prohibits downloading from Google Play Store. SHAME ON MICROSFT. The one advantage W10 has is that it's not W8. That is the ONLY advantage.

Please note that disabling Windows updates leaves your device in a vulnerable state if your device isn't getting updates in another way. It's important to have a well-designed servicing strategy for your device.

Click the Windows icon to open the search bar, type services.msc and open it as an administrator. In the windows that appear, look for a service called 'Windows Update'. Right-click > Properties and change the Startup type to 'disabled'.

I have tried disabling the updates with different tutorials in the past (but here am I again) gpedit.msc didn't work in windows+R (can't be found) nor through the search bar (only got browser search results) but services.msc worked, thx! Will see if they rape me with an update again.

I also have tried all the hacks, disabling Windows Update, editing the Registry by creating the extra key, and I thought I had it but nothing stops it or it will freeze up the laptop I bought and paid for and should have total control over. I don't care what evils might attack my laptop, nothing can be as bad as the constant forced updates and afterward my laptop won't boot. I have an install USB drive to reinstall everything because even just trying to run system restore will not work because all the restore points seem to have magically disappeared. I have Norton Antivirus and do not need Windows protecting my system but I am about to get some AK-47 target practice some day right before it sends me to the mental hospital, or I save up enough for a Mac

It seems like ages now that I have had to have been manually updating apps despite having the automatic update option turned on. I have made several attempts to resolve this with the apple help desk, but they seem unable to work out what the issue is.

In fact, every single time I ask other iPhone users about this issue, they are usually unaware of it until I suggest they check if their apps are updated via the app store. Sure enough, almost 100% of the time there are dozens of apps which need updated.

I have also been facing this issue for long time and it is unacceptable in my opinion fora premium and expensive device like iPad. Can Apple staff please respond with an answer and hopefully a solution?

Apple introduced the Offload Unused Apps feature with iOS 11 to help users with limited iPhone storage. With this feature, apps are deleted, but not removed from your Home screen. It simply shows a cloud icon next to the name, indicating that it has been removed. You manually have to download the apps that were erased by this feature. It should be turned off by default, but... you know.

I have automatic download turned on, but the list of manual updates is very often present. If the oldest waiting app on the list of manual updates is around 7 days, then yes, this is related to the functionality of the App Store for developers: deployment in phases, which takes seven days. The first day limits the number of installs or updates to 10%. More details about the feature on this page:

I had tons of apps that I discovered by accident had not updated. So many things lately have gone wrong with IOS updates. Maybe more that I have not noticed. It leaves me wondering if the same thing happens with android devices. I've had an iphone for years but this is frustrating.

Where can I disable this automatic approval? 

In Administration > Settings > Other > Misc > Access & requests I can see "Plugins requests : Allow non-admin users to request a plugin installation" but that is not it, that will prevent the user from clicking the "REQUEST INSTALL" button, but that's not what I want.

I don't understand why that plugin was installed without my approval, I have tested with another user and other plugin and that is not "automatically approved".

Unfortunately, when the plugin was installed and by who is not show on the Dataiku UI > Plugins > Time Series Preparation plugin summary (or anywhere else in the UI ) . I've filled a Product Idea at -Ideas/The-Plugin-summary-page-should-show-when-the-plugin-w... to add that kind of information to the UI 152ee80cbc

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