3rd Tunisian-Japanese Conference

Geometric and Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces



in Honor of Professor Hidenori Fujiwara

Arrival Day: December 17, 2013 (TUE)

Departure Day: December 21, 2013 (SAT) (after lunch)

Organizers: Ali Baklouti (Sfax University, Tunisia), Takaaki Nomura (Kyushu University, Japan)

Venue: El Mouradi Palace Hotel (5 stars), Hammamet.

December 17 (Tue)

  • 15:00 Registration
  • 21:00 Defense Ceremony of PhD Thesis of A. Rahali: Photo 1 Photo 2
          • Contribution to the theory of unitary representations of Lie groups with co-compact nilradical

December 18 (Wed)

  • 08:30 -- Opening
            • Speech of Minister (PDF) of Higer Education and Scientific Research: Professor Moncef Ben Salem
            • Photos


  • 08:45 -- 09:15 M. Duflo (Paris)
            • Hidenori Fujiwara and mathematics: A story for life
  • 09:15 -- 09:35 Honoring Hidenori Fujiwara
  • 09:40 -- 10:30 J. Ludwig (Metz)
            • Intertwining operators for irreducible representations of exponential Lie groups
  • 10:30 -- 11:00 Coffee Break


  • 11:00 -- 11:50 J. Inoue (Tottori)
            • Holomorphically induced representations of some exponential solvable Lie groups
  • 12:00 -- 12:50 D. Arnal (Dijon)
            • Regularity and cross-section for multiply generated abelian group actions I
  • Lunch


  • 14:30 -- 15:20 N. Obata (Sendai)
            • Spectral analysis of digraphs and coupled oscillators
  • 15:30 -- 16:20 A. Hassairi (Sfax)
            • On Cauchy-Stieltjes kernel families
  • 16:30 -- 17:20 L. Accardi (Rome)
            • Infinite dimensional Lie algebras and renormalized higher powers of white noise
  • 17:30 -- 18:00 Coffee Break


Parallel sessions of 30 minutes


    • 18:00 -- 18:30 Ahmed M. A. Alghamdi (Makkah)
            • New characterization of Lie triple systems
    • 18:00 -- 18:30 A. Barhoumi (Nabeuil)
            • White noise Meixner processes and related *-Lie algebras
    • 18:00 -- 18:30 S. Fahlaoui (Meknes)
            • On extension and refinement of the Poincaré inequality


Parallel sessions of 30 minutes


    • 18:30 -- 19:00 L. Abdelmoula (Sfax)
            • The Selberg-Weil-Kobayashi local rigidity theorem for exponential Lie groups
    • 18:30 -- 19:00 R. Daher (Casablanca)
            • On a theorem of Titchmarsh
    • 18:30 -- 19:00 N. Ben Fradj (Nebeul)
            • Cohomology of $osp(n|2)$ acting on the modules of linear differential operators on the weighted densities on the supercircle $S^{1|n}$ and classification of these modules

December 19 (Thu)

  • 08:00 -- 08:50 A. Fitouhi (Tunis)
            • q-Bessel-Hahn-Exton transform and applications
  • 09:00 -- 09:50 I. Kédim (Bizerte)
            • On discontinuous subgroups acting on solvable homogeneous spaces
  • 10:00 -- 10:20 Coffee Break


  • 11:00 -- 11:50 T. Yoshino (Tokyo)
            • On topological blow-up
  • 12:00 -- 12:50 A. Okuda (Sendai)
            • Classification of semi-simple symmetric spaces with proper $SL(2,R)$-actions
  • Lunch

  • 21:00 -- Defense Ceremony of PhD Thesis of S. Azouazi: Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
            • Some uncertainty principles on compact extensions of $R^n$

December 20 (Fri)

  • 08:30 -- 09:20 H. Fujiwara (Fukuoka)
            • Some problems for induced and restricted representations of exponential solvable Lie groups
  • 09:30 -- 10:20 B. N. Currey (Saint-Loiuis, Missouri)
            • Regularity and cross-section for multiply generated abelian group actions II
  • 10:30 -- 11:00 Coffee Break


  • 11:00 -- 11:50 D. Poguntke (Bielefeld)
            • Topology on the unitary dual of completely solvable Lie groups
  • 12:00 -- 12:50 H. Ishi (Nagoya)
            • Generalized highest weight unitary representations of a split solvable Lie group
  • Lunch


  • 14:30 -- 15:20 S. Mehdi (Metz)
            • Representation theoretic differential operators
  • 15:30 -- 16:20 B. Agrebaoui (Sfax)
            • Jeu de taquin and diamond cone for classical Lie (super)algebras
  • 16:30 -- 17:20 A. Bonami (Orléans)
            • Bergman projection and Bloch classes in bounded symmetric domains of tube type
  • 17:30 -- 18:00 Coffee Break


Parallel sessions of 30 minutes


    • 18:00 -- 18:30 S. Kouki (Tunis)
            • Sur la restriction des séries discrètes de certains groupes résolubles algébriques
    • 18:00 -- 18:30 A. Bentaleb (Meknes)
            • On extension and refinement of the Poincaré inequality
    • 18:00 -- 18:30 S. Ghaour (Sfax)
            • Deforming discontinuous subgroups of reduced Heisenberg groups


Parallel sessions of 30 minutes


    • 18:30 -- 19:00 C. Offerman (Boston)
            • Multi-temporal wave equations on Riemannian symmetric spaces
    • 18:30 -- 19:00 S. Bejar (Sfax)
            • Deforming discontinuous subgroups of Euclidean motion groups

December 21 (Sat)

  • 08:30 -- 09:20 D. Manchon (Clermont-Ferrand)
            • The double shuffle structure of the Ohno-Okuda-Zudilin q-multiple zeta values
  • 09:30 -- 10:20 A. Sasaki (Hiratsuka)
            • A characterization of non-tube type Hermitian symmetric spaces by visible actions
  • 10:30 -- 11:00 Coffee Break


  • 11:00 -- 11:50 J. Faraut (Paris)
            • Multivariate Markov-Krein type formula for projections of orbital measures
  • Closing