Matzke M., Toft S., Bechsgaard J., Pold Vilstrup A., Uhl G., Kunzel S., Tuni C. & Bilde T. 2022. Sperm competition intensity affects sperm precedence patterns in a polyandrous gift-giving spider. Molecular Ecology 36:296-308.
Heimerl D., Dudová P., Wacker K., Schenkel E., Despréaux G., Tuni C. 2022. Adult sex ratio and male body condition affect alternative reproductive tactics in a spider. Behavioural Ecology, 33:271-279.
Magris M. & Tuni C. 2019. Enough for all: no mating effort adjustment with varying mating opportunities. Behavioural Ecology 30:1461-1468.
Ghislandi P.G., Pekár S., Matzke M., Schulte-Döinghaus S., Bilde T. & Tuni C. 2018. Resource availability, mating opportunity, and sexual selection intensity influence the expression of male alternative reproductive tactics. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31:1035-1046.
Tuni C., Weber S., Bilde T. & Uhl G. 2017. Male spiders reduce pre- and post-mating sexual investment in response to sperm competition risk. Behavioral Ecology 28.4:1030-1036.
Ghislandi P.G., Beyer M., Velado P. & Tuni C. 2017. Silk wrapping of nuptial gifts aids cheating behavior in male spiders. Behavioral Ecology 28.3: 744-749.
Ghislandi P.G., Bilde T. & Tuni C. 2015. Extreme male mating behaviours: anecdotes in a nuptial feeding spider. Arachnology 16: 273-275.
Ghislandi P.G., Albo M.J, Tuni C. & Bilde T. 2014. Evolution of deceit by worthless donations in a nuptial gift-giving spider. Current Zoology 60: 43-51.
Tuni C., Albo M. J. & Bilde T. 2013. Polyandrous females acquire indirect benefits in a nuptial-feeding species. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26:1307-1316.
Albo M.J., Winther G., Tuni C., Toft S. & Bilde T. 2011. Worthless donations: male deception and female counter play in a nuptial gift-giving spider. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11:329.
Tuni C. & Bilde T. 2010. No preference for novel mating partners in the polyandrous nuptial feeding spider Pisaura mirabilis (Araneae: Pisauridae). Animal Behaviour 80:435-442.
Bilde T., Tuni C., Elsayed R., Pèkar S. & Toft S. 2007. Nuptial gifts of male spiders: sensory exploitation of the female’s maternal care instinct or foraging motivation? Animal Behaviour 73:267-273.
Bilde T., Tuni C., Elsayed R., Pèkar S. & Toft S. 2006. Death feigning in the face of sexual cannibalism. Biology letters 2:23-25.
Han CS, Robledo-Ruiz DA, Garcia-Gonzalez F, Dingemanse NJ, Tuni C. 2024. Unraveling mate choice evolution through indirect genetic effects, Evolution Letters, 2024; qrae037,
Ratz T, Chechi TS, Dimopoulou A, Sedlmair SD, Tuni C*. 2024. Heatwaves inflict reproductive but not survival costs to male insects. Journal of Experimental Biology, 227 (6); jeb246698.
Matzke M., Rossi A. & Tuni C. 2023. Pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection benefit female fitness but impose survival costs in a field cricket. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
McMahon S., Matzke M. & Tuni C. 2021. Food Limitation but Not Enhanced Rates of Ejaculate Production Imposes Reproductive and Survival Costs to Male Crickets. Cells 2021, 10, 1498.
Tuni C., Mizerakis V.L. & Dingemanse N.J. 2019. Experimental evidence that winning or losing a fight does not affect sperm quality in a field cricket. Ethology, 125: 885– 889.
Niemela P., Niehoff P.P., Gasparini C., Dingemanse N.J. & Tuni C. 2019. Crickets become behaviourally stable when raised under higher temperatures. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73:81
Gasparini C., Lu C., Dingemanse N.J. & Tuni C. 2018. Paternal-effects in a terrestrial ectotherm are temperature dependent but no evidence for adaptive effects. Functional Ecology 32:1011–1021.
Tuni C., Han C.S. & Dingemanse N.J. 2018. Multiple biological mechanisms result in correlations between pre- and post-mating traits that differ among versus within individuals and genotypes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285:20180951.
Han C.S., Tuni C., Ulcik J. & Dingemanse N.J. 2018. Increased developmental density decreases the magnitude of indirect genetic effects expressed during agonistic interactions in an insect. Evolution 72:2435-2448.
Tuni C., Perdigón Ferreira J., Fritz Y., Munoz Meneses A. & Gasparini C. 2016. Impaired sperm quality and delayed mating but no costs for offspring fitness in field crickets winning a fight. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29:1643-1647.
Tuni C., Beveridge M. & Simmons L.W. 2013. Female crickets assess relatedness during mate guarding and bias storage of sperm toward unrelated males. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26:1261-1268.
Beyer M., Uludag KÖ., Lailler M., Wolff JO., Eberhard MJB., Czaczkes TJ., & Tuni C. 2023. Testing presence of directionality information in female spider silk trails through male trail-following behavior. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 77, 139.
Beyer M., Uludag KO., & Tuni C. 2023. State and condition-dependent chemical signalling of adult females revealed by male preference for silk in a gift-giving spider. Behavioral Ecology, 34:919-929.
Beyer M., Mangliers J. & Tuni C. 2021. Silk-borne chemicals of spider nuptial gifts elicit female gift acceptance. Biology Letters, 17.
Beyer M., Czaczkes T.J. & Tuni C. 2018. Does silk mediate chemical communication between the sexes in a nuptial feeding spider? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72:49.
Tuni C. & Berger-Tal R. 2012. Male preference and female cues: males assess female sexual maturity and mating status in a web-building spider. Behavioral Ecology 23:582 - 587.
Angelakakis A., Turetzek N. & Tuni C. 2022. Female mating rates and their fitness consequences in the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariourum. Ecology and Evolution.
Czaczkes T.J., Bastidas Urrutia A.M., Ghislandi P.G. & Tuni C. 2018. Reduced light avoidance in spiders from populations in light-polluted urban environments. The Science of Nature 105:11-12.
Mestre L., Rodríguez-Teijeiro J.D. & Tuni C. 2015. Females of the cellar spider discriminate against previous mates. Ethology 121:994-1001.
Tuni C., Mestre L., Berger-Tal R., Lubin Y. & Bilde T. 2019. Mate choice in naturally inbred spiders: testing the role of relatedness. Animal Behaviour 157:27-33.
Berger-Tal R., Berner-Aharon N., Aharon S., Tuni C. & Lubin Y. 2016. Good reasons to leave home: proximate dispersal cues in a social spider. Journal of Animal Ecology 85.4:1035-1042.
Berger-Tal R., Lubin Y., Settepani V., Mejer M., Bilde T. & Tuni C. 2015. Evidence for loss of nepotism in the evolution of permanent sociality. Scientific Reports 5:13284.
Berger-Tal R., Tuni C., Lubin Y., Smith D. & Bilde T. 2014. Fitness consequences of outcrossing in a social spider with an inbreeding mating system. Evolution 68: 343-351.
Tuni C. & Berger-Tal R. 2012. High mortality and female-biased operational sex ratio result in low encounter rates and moderate polyandry in a spider. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 107: 910-919.
Tuni C., Goodacre S., Bechsgaard J. & Bilde T. 2012. Moderate multiple parentage and low genetic variation reduces the potential for genetic incompatibility avoidance despite high risk of inbreeding. PlosONE 7:e29636.
Bilde T., Goodacre S., Tuni C., Garoia F. & Santini A. 2009. Characterisation of microsatellite loci in the subsocial spider Stegodyphus lineatus, (Araneae: Eresidae). Molecular Ecology Resources 9:128–130.
REVIEWS & more
Dougherty LR, Frost F, Maenpaa M, Rowe M, Cole B, Vasudeva R, Pottier P, Schultner E, Macartney E, Lindenbaum I, Smith J, Carazo P, Graziano M, Weaving H, Canal B, Berger D, Meena A, Bishop T, Noble D, Simões P, Baur J, Breedveld M, Svensson E, Lancaster L, Ellers J, Denardo A, Santos M, Ramm S, Drobniak S, Redana M, Tuni C, Pilakouta N, Zizzari V, Iossa G, Luepold S, Koppik M, Early R, Gasparini C, Nakagawa S, Lagisz L, Bretman A, Fricke C, Snook R, Price T. 2024. A systematic map of studies testing the relationship between temperature and animal reproduction. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 5, e12303.
Leiva FP, Barneche D, Blackburn T, Castañeda L, Chown S, Gaitán-Espitia JD, Gebauer P, Gomez Isaza DF, Hardy ICW, Hermaniuk A, Hirst A, Jorissen S, Keasar T, Koene J, Le Lann C, Molinet C, Niklitschek EJ, Oliveira B, Orizaola G, Pilakouta N, Shameer KS, Shokri M, Stoks R, Tougeron K, Tuni C, van de Pol ILE, van Dis NE, Visser B, Vogels J, White CR, Wu N, Berg MP, Ellers J, and Verberk WCEP. 2023. ShareTrait: a data portal for making trait data interoperable and reusable. Zenodo (v1.0.0).
Kappeler PM, Benhaiem S, Fichtel C, Fromhage L, Höner OP, Jennions M, Kaiser S, Krüger O, Schneider JM, Tuni C, van Schaik J & Goymann W. 2023. Sex roles and sex ratios in animals. Biological Reviews. 98: 462-480.
Tuni C, Schneider J, Uhl G & Herberstein M. 2020. Sperm competition when transfer is dangerous. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 375:20200073.