
  1. Fear of Covid-19, contagion and consumption: evidence from a survey of Italian households (with Giovanni Immordino, Tommaso Oliviero, Alberto Zazzaro), Health Economics, vol. 31(3), March 2022, 496-507. DOI: 10.1002/hec.4464,

  2. Pandemic and regional economic growth: evidence from the Great Influenza in Italy (with Mario Carillo), European Review of Economic History, 2021

  3. Social security uncertainty and demand for retirement saving (with Immacolata Marino and Mario Padula), The Review of Income and Wealth , 2021

  4. Heterogeneous wealth effects (with Dimitris Christelis, Dimitris Georgarakos, Luigi Pistaferri, Maarten van Rooij), European Economic Review, August 2021

  5. Trust in the Central Bank and inflation expectations (with Dimitris Christelis, Dimitris Georgarakos and Marteen van Roij), International Journal of Central Banking, December 2020.

  6. Reported MPC and unobserved heterogeneity (with Luigi Pistaferri), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, November 2020.

  7. Investment in financial information and portfolio performance (with Luigi Guiso), Economica, October 2020.

  8. Consumption uncertainty and precautionary saving (with Dimitris Christelis, Dimitris Georgarakos and Marteen van Roij), The Review of Economics and Statistics, March 2020.

  9. Asymmetric consumption effects of transitory income shocks (with Dimitris Christelis, Dimitris Georgarakos, Luigi Pistaferri and Maarten van Rooij), The Economic Journal, August 2019 .

  10. Interest rate changes, mortgages and consumption: evidence from Italy (with Annalisa Scognamiglio), Economic Policy, April 2018.

  11. Consumption growth, the interest rate and financial sophistication (with Mario Padula), Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, July 2017.

  12. Gender effects in research evaluation (with Carmen Nappi and Roberto Torrini), Research Policy, June 2017.

  13. The consumption and wealth effects of an unanticipated change in lifetime resources (with Mario Padula), Management Science, May 2016.

  14. Transparency, tax pressure and access to finance (with Andrew Ellul, Marco Pagano and Fausto Panunzi), Review of Finance, January 2016.

  15. Investment in financial literacy, social security and portfolio choice (with Mario Padula), Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, October 2015.

  16. Wealth shocks, unemployment shocks and consumption in the wake of the Great Recession (with Dimitris Christelis and Dimitris Georgarakos), Journal of Monetary Economics, May 2015.

  17. Bibliometric evaluation vs. informed peer review: Evidence from Italy (with G. Bertocchi, A. Gambardella, C.A. Nappi, F. Peracchi), Research Policy, March 2015

  18. The role of intuition and reasoning in driving aversion to risk and ambiguity (with Luigi Guiso and Jeff Butler), Theory and Decisions, vol. 77, 455-484, December 2014.

  19. Fiscal policy and MPC heterogeneity (with Luigi Pistaferri), American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, vol. 6(4), 107-36, October 2014.

  20. Do transfer taxes reduce intergenerational transfers? (with Mario Padula and Giovanni Pica), Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 12, 248–275, February 2014.

  21. Pension wealth uncertainty (with Luigi Guiso and Mario Padula), Journal of Risk and Insurance, vol. 80, 1057-1085, December 2013.

  22. Investment in financial literacy and saving decisions (with Mario Padula), Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 37, August 2013, 2779-2792.

  23. Financial development and the underground economy (with Salvatore Capasso), Journal of Development Economics, vol. 101, March 2013, 167–178.

  24. Financial advisors: A case of babysitters? (with Andreas Hackethal and Michalis Haliassos), Journal of Banking and Finance, February 2012, vol. 36, 509-524.

  25. Cognitive abilities, healthcare and screening tests (with Ciro Avitabile and Mario Padula), Journal of Population Aging, December 2011, Vol. 4, 251-269.

  26. Financial integration and consumption smoothing (with Luigi Pistaferri), The Economic Journal, June 2011, vol. 121, 678-706.

  27. The portfolio effect of pension reforms: Evidence from Italy (with Renata Bottazzi and Mario Padula), Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, January 2011, vol. 10, 75-97.

  28. Economic literacy: An international comparison, The Economic Journal, November 2010, vol. 120, F429-51.

  29. The consumption response to income changes (with Luigi Pistaferri), Annual Review of Economics, September 2010, vol. 2, 479-506.

  30. Do the elderly reduce housing equity? An international comparison (with Maria Concetta Chiuri), Journal of Population Economics, April 2010, vol. 22, 267-283. For this paper Maria Concetta Chiuri received the Aldi Hagenaars Memorial Award for the best 2006 LIS Working Paper.

  31. Cognitive abilities and portfolio choice (with Dimitris Christelis and Mario Padula), European Economic Review, January 2010, vol. 54, 18-39.

  32. Does consumption inequality track income inequality in Italy? (with Luigi Pistaferri), Review of Economic Dynamics, January 2010, vol. 13, 133-153.

  33. Income, wealth and financial fragility in Europe (with Dimitris Christelis, Omar Paccagnella and Guglielmo Weber), Journal of European Social Policy, 2009, vol. 19, 359-376.

  34. Information sharing and credit market performance: firm-level evidence from transition countries (with Martin Brown and Marco Pagano), Journal of Financial Intermediation, April 2009, vol. 18, 151-172.

  35. A direct test of the buffer stock model of saving (with Mario Padula and Luigi Pistaferri), Journal of the European Economic Association, December 2008, vol. 6, 1-25.

  36. Health care quality, economic inequality and precautionary saving (with Luigi Pistaferri and Guglielmo Weber), Health Economics, April 2007, vol. 16, n. 4, 327-346.

  37. Do people respond to tax incentives? An analysis of the Italian reform of the deductibility of home mortgage interest (with Luigi Pistaferri), European Economic Review, February 2007, vol. 51, n. 2, 247-273.

  38. Retirement expectations, pension reforms, and their effect on private wealth accumulation (with Renata Bottazzi and Mario Padula), Journal of Public Economics, December 2006, vol. 90, n. 12, 2167-2213.

  39. Intertemporal choice and consumption mobility (with Luigi Pistaferri), Journal of the European Economic Association, March 2006, vol. 4, n. 1, 75-115.

  40. Awareness and stock market participation (with Luigi Guiso), Review of Finance, December 2005, vol. 9, n. 4, 537-567.

  41. Searching for non-monotonic effects of fiscal policy: new evidence (with Francesco Giavazzi, Marco Pagano, Marina Benedetti), Monetary and Economic Studies, October 2005, vol. 23, Issue S1, 197-217.

  42. Courts and banks: effect of judicial costs on credit market performance (with Marco Pagano and Magda Bianco), Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, April 2005, vol. 37, n. 2, 223-244.

  43. Financial market integration and economic growth in the EU (with Luigi Guiso, Mario Padula, Marco Pagano), Economic Policy, October 2004, n. 40, 523-577.

  44. Financial market imperfections and home ownership: a comparative study (with Maria Concetta Chiuri), European Economic Review, October 2003, vol. 47, n. 5, 857-875.

  45. Tax incentives and the demand for life insurance: evidence from Italy (with Luigi Pistaferri), Journal of Public Economics, August 2003, vol. 87, n. 7-8, 1779-1799.

  46. Household stockholding in Europe: where do we stand, and where do we go? (with Luigi Guiso and Michalis Haliassos), Economic Policy, April 2003, n. 36, 123-170.

  47. Private transfers, borrowing constraints and the timing of home ownership (with Luigi Guiso), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, May 2002, vol. 34, 315-339.

  48. An empirical analysis of earnings and employment risk (with Luigi Guiso and Luigi Pistaferri), Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, April 2002, vol. 20, n. 2, 241-253.

  49. Information sharing, lending and defaults: cross-country evidence (with Marco Pagano), Journal of Banking and Finance, October 2002, vol. 26, n. 10, 2023-2054.

  50. Money demand, financial innovation and the welfare cost of inflation, (with Orazio Attanasio and Luigi Guiso), Journal of Political Economy, April 2002, vol. 110, 317-352.

  51. Le profil des détenteurs d'actions en Europe (with Luigi Guiso and Michalis Haliassos), Revue d'Economie Financiere, Special Edition 2002, vol. 64, 163-171.

  52. Intertemporal choice and the cross-sectional variance of marginal utility (with Orazio Attanasio), Review of Economics and Statistics, February 2001, vol. 83, n. 1, 13-27,

  53. The dynamics of household wealth accumulation in Italy (with Luigi Pistaferri), Fiscal Studies, June 2000, vol. 21, 269-295.

  54. Searching for non-Keynesians effects of fiscal policy (with Francesco Giavazzi and Marco Pagano), European Economic Review, June 2000, vol. 44, 1259-1290.

  55. Using subjective income expectations to test for the excess sensitivity of consumption to predicted income growth (with Luigi Pistaferri), European Economic Review, February 2000, vol. 44, 337-358.

  56. The welfare effects of liquidity constraints (with Marco Pagano), Oxford Economic Papers, April 1999, vol. 51, 410-430.

  57. The age-wealth profile and the life-cycle hypothesis: a cohort analysis with a time series of cross-sections of Italian households, Review of Income and Wealth, March 1999, vol. 45, 57-76.

  58. Testing for liquidity constraints in Euler equations with complementary data sources (with Steffen Pischke and Nicholas Souleles), The Review of Economics and Statistics, May 1998, vol. 80, 251-262.

  59. Background uncertainty and the demand for insurance against insurable risks (with Luigi Guiso), The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, May 1998, vol. 23, 7-27.

  60. Income risk, borrowing constraints and portfolio choice (with Luigi Guiso and Daniele Terlizzese), American Economic Review, March 1996, vol. 86, n. 1, 158-172.

  61. Saving, growth and liquidity constraints (with Marco Pagano), Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1994, vol. 106, 83-109.

  62. Housing finance arrangements, intergenerational transfers and consumption (with Luigi Guiso and Daniele Terlizzese), Economic Modeling, April 1994, vol. 11, n. 2, 145-155.

  63. Information sharing in credit markets (with Marco Pagano), Journal of Finance, December 1993, vol. 48, n. 5, 1693-1718. Nominated for the 1993 Smith Breeden Prize for best paper on the Journal of Finance. Reprinted in New Research in Corporate Finance, edited by B. Biais and M. Pagano. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.

  64. The effect of borrowing constraints on consumer liabilities (with Donald Cox), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, May 1993, vol. 25, n. 2, 197-213.

  65. Earnings uncertainty and precautionary saving (with Luigi Guiso and Daniele Terlizzese), Journal of Monetary Economics, November 1992, vol. 30, n. 2, 307-337. Reprinted in Saving and the accumulation of wealth. Essays on Italian household and government behavior, edited by A. Ando, L. Guiso and I. Visco. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

  66. Saving and capital markets imperfections: the Italian experience (with Luigi Guiso and Daniele Terlizzese), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, March 1992, vol. 94, 197-213. Reprinted in Savings Behavior: Theory, International Evidence and Policy Implications, edited by E. Koskela and J. Paunio. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1992.

  67. Intergenerational transfers and capital market imperfections: evidence from a cross-section of Italian households (with Luigi Guiso), European Economic Review, January 1991, vol. 35, n.1, 103-120. Reprinted in Saving and the accumulation of wealth. Essays on Italian household and government behavior, edited by A. Ando, L. Guiso and I. Visco. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

  68. Credit rationing and private transfers: evidence from survey data (with Donald Cox), The Review of Economics and Statistics, August 1990, vol. 72, n. 3, 445-454.

  69. Do liquidity constraints vary over time? Evidence from survey and panel data (with Gary Fissel), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, May 1990, vol. 22, n. 2, 253-262.

  70. Who is credit constrained in the US economy? Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1990, vol. 105, n. 420, 219-234.

  71. Consumption and capital market imperfections: an international comparison (with Marco Pagano), American Economic Review, December 1989, vol. 79, n. 5, 1088-1105.

  72. The behavior of inflation and interest rates: evidence from Italian national history (with Andrea Ripa di Meana), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, June 1988, vol. 12, 27-35.