Tuhin Subhra De

Who Am I?

4th year undergraduate student at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (?), India. I am pursuing my Bachelors and Masters of Technology in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Minor in Mathematics and Computing and micro specialization in Artificial Intelligence and applications. Currently I am working as a Natural Language Processing Intern at Venwiz Technologies Pvt. Ltd

What I am interested in:

 I have good experience in Python Programming, Machine Learning and Deep Learning concepts. I am open for collaboration in ML and DL projects/applications. Interested to learn Reinforcement Learning for game playing automation and lot more. Recently I developed interest in finance, accounting and markets, still learning...

Find my CV here 

Where I studied from:

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Connect Professionally

Google Mail: tuhinsubhrade069@gmail.com

Emails: tuhinsubhrade{@yahoo.in, @iitkgp.ac.in}