Oliver Maupin

Graduate student


My current work is in studying and applying error mitigation techniques to the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) algorithm. In particular, I am working in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratory on their Quantum Scientific Computing Open User Testbed (QSCOUT) project. This work focuses on studying how integrating different error mitigation techniques such as Zero Noise Extrapolation, Unitary Folding, and Randomized Compilation can improve the accuracy and precision of ground state estimates on near-term quantum devices. I write code to run on the QSCOUT simulator and hardware using Just Another Quantum Assembly Language (JAQAL).

I also worked as a research intern at Zapata Computing during the summer of 2022, focusing on performing error analysis of the Robust Amplitude Estimation algorithm.

About me

I am a physics PhD. student at Tufts in my fifth year. I graduated from Haverford College in 2018 with a B.S. in physics and a minor in computer science. At Haverford, I wrote my senior thesis based on cosmology research I did over the summer of 2017 with Anson D'Aloisio and Matthew McQuinn at the University of Washington, with help from my advisors Andrea Lommen and Walter Smith. My funding at Tufts is provided by a Provost Scholarship as well as the DOE through Sandia National Lab.

Outside my research, I am a total nerd. You'll find me playing Dungeons and Dragons, Magic: the Gathering, and a host of other board games and video games in my free time. 


Maupin, Oliver G., Ashlyn D. Burch, Christopher G. Yale, Brandon Ruzic, Antonio Russo, Daniel S. Lobser, Melissa C. Revelle et al. 2023. "Error mitigation, optimization, and extrapolation on a trapped ion testbed." arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.07027

Maupin, Oliver G., Andrew D. Baczewski, Peter J. Love, and Andrew J. Landahl. 2021. "Variational Quantum Chemistry Programs in JaqalPaq" Entropy 23, no. 6: 657. https://doi.org/10.3390/e23060657