John DeBrota

Post-doctoral Researcher

I am inspired by the position that quantum theory may be understood as an empirical addition to probability theory. This is a perspective advanced by the subjective Bayesian interpretation, QBism. I am particularly interested in minimal informationally complete measurements, the probabilistic representations they furnish, and their relations to other topics in quantum information. Currently, I'm studying the nature and role of agency in quantum theory from a diversity of perspectives, ranging from Bayesian inference to quantum interactive games. Ultimately, I want to understand how physical postulates about nature lead to quantum mechanics, and to pursue this goal by drawing insights from quantum information, computing, and foundations.

I received my PhD in Physics in August 2020 from the University of Massachusetts Boston under the supervision of Christopher Fuchs. I earned an MSc in Physics in June 2015 from the University of Waterloo through the Perimeter Institute under the supervision of Ryszard Kostecki.

I am an avid boulderer and also enjoy playing guitar and ukulele, making sourdough bread and pizza, and eating extremely spicy food.