
Time is CET or Paris time

All presentations are plenary

In Red, we indicate the room in Gather where speakers should be during breaks and at the end of their day of presentation to discuss their papers with the audience.

Wednesday September 1st

Chair: Stefania Minardi


15:15–15:45 Paula Onuchic (Oxford) "Signaling and Discrimination in Collaborative Projects" (with Debraj Ray) Room A

15:45–16:15 Raphael Levy (HEC) "Stationary social learning in a changing environment" (with Marcin Peski and Nicolas Vieille) Room B

16:15–16:30 Break

16:30–17:00 Margarita Kirneva (Polytechnique) “Multidimensional Bayesian Polarization" Room C

17:00-17:30 Modibo Camara (Northwestern): “Hadwiger Separability, or: Turing meets von Neumann and Morgenstern” Room D

17:30–17:45 Break

17:45–18:15 Xiaoyu Cheng (Northwestern): “Improving decisions under ambiguity with data” Room E

18:15–18:45 Josh Mollner (Northwestern): “Principal Trading Procurement: Competition and Information Leakage” Room F

18:45–19:15 Discussion with the Speakers in the Rooms

Thursday September 2nd

Chair: Matias Nunez


15:15–15:45 Benoit Schmutz (Polytechnique): "A Dynamic Theory of the Urban Network" (joint with Modibo Sidibé) Room A

15:45–16:15 George Georgiadis (Northwestern): “Optimal feedback in contests” Room B

16:15–16:30 Break

16:30-17:00 Marie Laclau (HEC) : “Robust communication on networks” (with Ludovic Renou and Xavier Venel) Room C

17:00–17:30 Margaret Meyer (Oxford): "Selecting the Best when Selection is Hard” (with Mikhail Drugov and Marc Moeller) " Room D

17:30–17:45 Break

17:45–18:15 Itzhak Rasooly (Oxford): “Going... Going... Wrong: A Test of the Level-k (and Cognitive Hierarchy) Models of Bidding Behaviour” Room E

18:15–18:45 Harri Pei (Northwestern): “Robust Mechanism Design and Costly Information Acquisition” (with Bruno Strulovici) Room F

18:45–19:15 Discussion with the Speakers in the Rooms

Friday, September 3rd

Chair: Tristan Tomala


15:15–15:45 Aidan Smith (Oxford) “Reputational Incentives with Networked Customers” Room A

15:45–16:15 Wei Zhao (HEC): Dynamic progress report Room B

16:15–16:30 Break

16:30–17:00 Sareh Vosooghi (Oxford): : “Self-enforcing International Climate Treaties: An Integrated Analysis and the Economy” (with Maria Arvaniti and Rick van der Ploeg) Room C

17:00-17:30 Julien Combe: (Polytechnique)"Dynamic assignment without money: Optimality of spot mechanisms" (with Vladyslav Nora and Olivier Tercieux ) Room D

17:30–17:45 Break

17:45–18:15 Daniel Quigley (Oxford) “Conjugate Persuasion” (with Ian Jewitt) Room E

18:15–18:45 Isaias Chaves (Northwestern): “Bargaining in securities” Room F

18:45–19:15 Discussion with the Speakers in the Rooms