The Business

Arts, Media, & Entertainment 

Visual, and Media Arts • Performing Arts • Production and Managerial Arts 

The Ability to Create

The beauty of arts is that you don' t have to wait for a job offer, you can create jobs for yourself and for others. In arts all you really need is something that records (camera, cell phone or even a computer).

Getting Work

Everywhere you look there is some sort of product. Think about the devise you're viewing this website on now (camera, phone, watch, computer...) You have that particular product because someone in my position did some sort of advertisement ie, photo ad, tv commercial, youtube video, instagram ad.. The work from this career paith is endless.


There is no losing when it comes to getting work. Typically once you advertise for a company they will continue to call you back. The company, as long as it stays in business and needs to sell something, your job would be to help sell. You must stay consistent with your quality and stay competitive with your price. If quality stays good your prices should also go up. 

The Amount You Make

You can make endless amounts of money in this industry. To shoot a good quality commercial with just (3) crew members would yield from $2,500 to $5,000. This type of commercial typically takes a few hours to shoot and its for local use. Shooting bigger projects such as a 30 second tv commerical that's broadcast nationally makes an average of $123,000