
Statistical and Econometric Methods II 


Fred Mannering, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of South Florida 4202 E. Fowler Avenue, ENC 3506 Tampa, FL 33620; e-mail: Fred Mannering; links: personal homepage.

Course Summary: 

The objective of this course is to solidify students' understanding of the material taught in TTE6307 (Statistical and Econometric Methods) and to extend students' knowledge with the presentation of new model estimation techniques not covered in TTE6307. Specifically, we will undertake detailed assessment of simultaneous equations models (seemingly unrelated regressions and three-stage least squares), generalized extreme value models (nested logit models estimated by full information maximum likelihood), mixed logit models (to account for variations in parameters across the sample population), latent-class models, models with fixed and random effects, zero-inflated count data models, and multivariate models. 

Mandatory Prerequisite: 

TTE6307 - Statistical and Econometric Methods

Time and Location: 

Spring Semester, Wednesdays 2:00-4:45pm, Microsoft Teams and room ENC 2002; ENC2002 Compter Room Pass Key


Washington, S., M. Karlaftis, F. Mannering, P. Anastasopoulos (2020) Statistical and econometric methods for transportation data analysis, Third Edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 478 pages. Best online price 

Overview of Statistical and Econometric Methods I & II:
| The two-course methods-application table | Faces of TTE6308 pioneers |

Final Exam (Due Friday May 3, 11:59pm):
| Final Exam |

Research Paper (Due Monday May 6, 9:00am):
| Guidelines for Research Paper | Examples of terms not to be used  | Course Review  |

Notes and References:

Support materials 0: | Assignment #0 table template |

Support materials 1: | Assignment #1 presentation slides | ASCE Paper |

Support materials 2:| Simultaneous equation models | SURE speed presentation  | 3SLS Paper | Random Parameters SURE Speed Paper |

Support materials 3:| Bivariate/multivariate probit slides | Original HOV project report

Support materials 4:  | Welfare impacts of Copyright law and the music industry | Welfare impacts of Copyright law paper | OTA report |

Support materials 5: | ZIP-ZINB slides | Fingerprint ZINB

Support materials 6: | Heterogeneity-in-means-variances slides | Heterogeneity-in-means paper | Heterogeneity in means and variances paper

Support materials 7: | Risk Compensation | Automobile leasing presentation

Support materials 8: | Unobserved heterogeneity presentation | Unobserved heterogeneity paper |  

Support materials 9: | Mixed-Logit with frequencies slides | Example 16.1

Support materials 10: | Tobit slides | Bivariate Correlated RPTOBIT |  Tobit paper showing zero/non-zero marginal effects

Support materials 11: | HOPIT slides | HOPIT paper

Support materials 12: | Temporal instability presentation | Temporal instability paper

Support materials 13:  | USNews presentation | USNews paper |

Support materials 14: | Latent Class Slides | Correlated parameters paper |  

Support materials 15: | Machine learning vs. statistics presentation | Machine learning vs. statistics paper

Support materials 16: | Motorcycle research presentation  | 

Support materials 17: | 2022 Northwestern presentation  | 

Support materials 18: | 2023 AI/ML presentation  | 

Support materials 19: | 2024 UF presentation  | 

| Dan McFadden interview |