
Statistical and Econometric Methods I


Fred Mannering, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of South Florida 4202 E. Fowler Avenue, ENC 3506 Tampa, FL 33620; e-mail: Fred Mannering; links: personal homepage.

Course Summary: 

The objective of this course is to provide students with a general background in the application of various statistical and econometric analysis techniques. The course will present a number of model-estimation methods that are used in the analysis of engineering and scientific data. It is important to note that the methods presented can be used in a wide variety of data-analysis applications and go well beyond the techniques typically covered in statistics courses. The course will emphasize model estimation and application, but underlying theory and limitations will be discussed to ensure that the methods are properly applied and understood. 

Time and Location: 

Fall semester, Wednesdays 2:00pm - 5:00pm, ENG201 or Microsoft Teams; Office hours, Fridays 1:00pm - 2:30pm, Microsoft Teams 


Washington, S., M. Karlaftis, F. Mannering, P. Anastasopoulos (2020) Statistical and econometric methods for transportation data analysis, Third Edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 478 pages. Publisher online price ; Amazon online price

General Downloads and Links:

| Course syllabus | First lecture Slides  | Class lecture notes  |  Software  | TTE6308/6501 website | Text website (Third Edition)

Overview of Statistical and Econometric Methods I & II:
| The two-course methods-application table |


Midterm exam: | Midterm Exam | Survey Key  | Survey data  | Due November 8, 2023 at 11:59PM
Final exam:  | Final  Exam | Due December 10, 2023 at 11:59PM

Term Project Downloads:

| Term Project  | Project Data  | Due December 8, 2023 at 11:59PM

Table Templates and Explanations: 

| Assignment #1 - Example with Table Templates | Assignment #1 - Constant/indicators example | Assignment #2 | Assignment #2 Log-Likelihood at zero calculation  | Assignment #2 Log-Likelihood at convergence calculation  | Assignment #3 - Expanded Explanation with Table Template | Assignment #5 | Assignment #6 | Assignment #7 | Assignment #8 | Assignment #9 |  Duration model paperMNL/Mixed Logit | Latent-Class logit | Count data models |


| Assignment #1 | Assignment #2 | Assignment #3 | Assignment #4 | Assignment #5 | Assignment #6 | Assignment #7 |Assignment #8 | Assignment #9

Assignment Grading Comments and Assignment Notes: 

| Course progress - percent understood chart | Assignments #1 2018 comments | Assignments #1 & 2 2017 comments | Assignment #1 2016 comments | Assignment #2 comments | Assignment #3 parameter interpretation | NLOGIT data satcking explanation | Assignment #4 comments | 2015 Assignment #5 comments | 2016 Assignment #5 comments | Assignment Observations |

Data Downloads:

| Assignment #1 Data | Assignment #2 Data | Assignment #3 Data | Assignment #4 Data | Assignment #5 Data | Assignment #6 Data | Assignment #7 Data | Assignment #8 Data | Assignment #9 Data

Software Command-File Downloads:

| Assignment #1 | Assignment #2 | Assignment #3 | Assignment #4 | Assignment #5 | Assignment #6 | Assignment #7 | Assignment #8 | Assignment #9

Notes and References:

Support materials 1: | SURE Speed Presentation | Example 5.2 Sure/3SLS (Purdue Data) | Example 5.2 Sure/3SLS (USF Data)

Support materials 2: | Nested Logit Paper Supporting Example 13.7

Support materials 3: | Risk Compensation Presentation

Support materials 4: | Random Effects Ordered Probit Presentation

Support materials 5: | Random Parameters Count-Data Models | Commands for RPM Assignment #2

Support materials 6: | Mixed Logit Presentation | Mixed Logit Example | Mixed Logit Paper

Support materials 7: | Latent Class Logit Presentation | Latent Class Logit Paper

NLOGIT data stacking example:

Overview of Statistic and Econometric Methods I & II:
| The two-course methods-application table |

Other Links:

| Software manual |  Assignment #1/3/4/5 paper | Seattle traffic map (assignment #2) | Chi square calculator | t-test calculator (one-tailed) | Normal distribution calculator for random parameter models | Dan McFadden interview |