If you can't find driver project templates in Visual Studio, the WDK Visual Studio extension didn't install properly. To resolve this, run the WDK.vsix file from this location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Vsix\VS2022\10.0.22621.2428\WDK.vsix.

As an alternative to downloading Visual Studio, the SDK, and the WDK, you can download the EWDK, which is a standalone, self-contained command-line environment for building drivers. It includes Visual Studio Build Tools, the SDK, and the WDK.

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A driver is a software component that lets the operating system and a device communicate. For example, when an app needs to read data from a device, it calls a function implemented by the operating system. The operating system then calls a function implemented by the driver. The driver, usually developed by the device's manufacturer, knows how to communicate with the device hardware to get the data. Once the driver gets the data, it gives it back to the operating system, which then gives it back to the app.

Drivers don't always have to be developed by the device's manufacturer. If a device follows a published hardware standard, Microsoft can write the driver, so the device designer doesn't have to provide one.

Not all drivers communicate directly with a device. Often, several drivers layered in a driver stack take part in an I/O request. The conventional way to visualize the stack is with the first participant at the top and the last participant at the bottom, as shown in this diagram. Some drivers in the stack change the request from one format to another. These drivers don't communicate directly with the device. Instead, they change the request and pass it to drivers that are lower in the stack.

Some filter drivers observe and record information about I/O requests but don't actively take part in them. For example, some filter drivers act as verifiers to make sure the other drivers in the stack handle the I/O request correctly.

For example, if you need to write a tool that accesses core operating system data structures, you can split the tool into two components. The first component runs in user mode and presents the user interface. The second component runs in kernel mode and accesses the core operating system data. The component that runs in user mode is called an application, and the component that runs in kernel mode is called a software driver. A software driver isn't associated with a hardware device.

Software drivers always run in kernel mode. They're primarily written to access protected data only available in kernel mode. However, not all device drivers need access to kernel-mode data and resources, so some device drivers run in user mode.

Our explanation so far oversimplifies the definition of function driver. We stated that the function driver for a device is the one driver in the stack that communicates directly with the device. This is true for a device that connects directly to the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) bus. The function driver for a PCI device obtains addresses that are mapped to port and memory resources on the device. The function driver communicates directly with the device by writing to those addresses.

However, in many cases, a device doesn't connect directly to the PCI bus. Instead, the device connects to a host bus adapter that is connected to the PCI bus. For example, a USB toaster connects to a host bus adapter (called a USB host controller), which is connected to the PCI bus. The USB toaster has a function driver, and the USB host controller also has a function driver. The function driver for the toaster communicates indirectly with the toaster by sending a request to the function driver for the USB host controller. The function driver for the USB host controller then communicates directly with the USB host controller hardware, which communicates with the toaster.

The CP210x USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers are required for device operation as a Virtual COM Port to facilitate host communication with CP210x products. These devices can also interface to a host using the direct access driver.

The CP210x Manufacturing DLL and Runtime DLL have been updated and must be used with v 6.0 and later of the CP210x Windows VCP Driver. Application Note Software downloads affected are AN144SW.zip, AN205SW.zip and AN223SW.zip. If you are using a 5.x driver and need support you can download Legacy OS Software.

The driver provides read and write access for Seagate external drives in Windows without having to reformat.Note: Not compatible with drives formatted with Apple File System (APFS).

I have an old 64-bit Windows kernel-mode driver which I created for a USB device. It was built for Windows XP. The driver still works in Windows 10 and Windows 11. However, if Core Isolation | Memory Integrity is turned on in the Windows Security app then the driver no longer works. I get the following error in Device Manager:

You say the driver still works for Windows 10, and let's assume it truly does. That it's rejected for having an invalid format does not of itself mean the driver doesn't work if it gets to execute, only that it didn't even get loaded.

With this as my input, my first guess off the top of my head is that you did this WHQL testing so long ago that the driver's signature has only a SHA-1 hash. For it to be loadable on everything from Windows XP to Windows 11, a necessary condition is that its signing has both SHA-1 and SHA-256 hashes.

One or other of the long articles I wrote at my website in 2018 has an example (if I remember correctly) of getting both hashes, but the bigger problem in practice for Windows 10 is that you won't be able to sign the driver yourself, even with the cross-signing that used to work, and have it load on 64-bit Windows when Secure Boot is enabled.

The formal, expected way to get an old driver signed for arbitrary configurations of Windows 10 is that you put it through the WHQL procedure all over. When last I looked, not that I bother looking at Microsoft's documentation often, it was supposed to be that you could specify that you want both hashes so that the driver still loads on old Windows versions.

Depending on what exactly your driver does, and I confess that I don't know off the top of my head where USB drivers of all sorts fit into this, you may be able to get away with attestation signing. This spares you from the WHQL testing, but again if you want the signing to work on old Windows versions you will have to say so when you submit.

The OpenVPN community project team is proud to release OpenVPN 2.5.4. This release include a number of fixes and small improvements. One of the fixes is to password prompting on windows console when stderr redirection is in use - this breaks 2.5.x on Win11/ARM, and might also break on Win11/amd64. Windows executable and libraries are now built natively on Windows using MSVC, not cross-compiled on Linux as with earlier 2.5 releases. Windows installers include updated OpenSSL and new OpenVPN GUI. The latter includes several improvements, the most important of which is the ability to import profiles from URLs where available. Installer version I602 fixes loading of pkcs11 files on Windows. Installer version I603 fixes a bug in the version number as seen by Windows (was 2.5..4, not 2.5.4). Installer I604 fixes some small Windows issues.

Important: you will need to use the correct installer for your operating system. The Windows 10 installer works on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016/2019. The Windows 7 installer will work on Windows 7/8/8.1/Server 2012r2. This is because of Microsoft's driver signing requirements are different for kernel-mode devices drivers, which in our case affects OpenVPN's tap driver (tap-windows6).

Important: you will need to use the correct installer for your operating system. The Windows 10 installer will not work on Windows 7/8/8.1/Server 2012r2. This is because Microsoft's driver signing requirements and tap-windows6. For the same reason you need to use an older installer with Windows Server 2016. This older installer has a local privilege escalation vulnerability issue which we cannot resolve for Windows Server 2016 until tap-windows6 passes the HLK test suite on that platform. In the meanwhile we recommend Windows Server 2016 users to avoid installing OpenVPN/tap-windows6 driver on hosts where all users can't be trusted. Users of Windows 7-10 and Server 2012r2 are recommended to update to latest installers as soon as possible.

This is primarily a maintenance release with minor bugfixes and improvements, and one security relevant fix for the Windows Interactive Service. Windows installer includes updated OpenVPN GUI and OpenSSL. Installer I601 included tap-windows6 driver 9.22.1 which had one security fix and dropped Windows Vista support. However, in installer I602 we had to revert back to tap-windows 9.21.2 due to driver getting reject on freshly installed Windows 10 rev 1607 and later when Secure Boot was enabled. The failure was due to the new, more strict driver signing requirements. The 9.22.1 version of the driver is in the process of getting approved and signed by Microsoft and will be bundled in an upcoming Windows installer. ff782bc1db

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