Tsu-Nan Lee 

Asst. Prof.  Mathematics  Education
National Pingtung University

Educational Background 學術背景

The University of Melbourne, Ph.D. in Education 

澳大利亞墨爾本大學 課程與教學 (數學教育) 博士班 

Curriculum & Pedagogy in Mathematics Education

National Taipei University of Education, Master of Education 

國立台北教育大學 心理與諮商學系碩士班教育心理學組 Educational Psychology

National Chiayi University, Bachelor of Education 

國立嘉義大學 輔導與諮商學系 Counseling

Bio 簡歷

Currently, I am an assistant professor in Teacher Education Centre in National Pingtung University, Taiwan. My previous educational background is related to educational psychology and counseling, and my Ph.D. dissertation adopted the perspective of child development to analyse how primary school students justified the relationships between geometric shapes and their properties through argumentation. Therefore, my majors are about mathematics education, and educational psychology.

I have been a primary school teacher for 11 years (since 2007), seven years in Taiwan and four years in Australia. In Taiwan, I hold a general teaching certificate at primary level, and also have a bilingual teaching one. In addition, I worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in National Taipei University of Education and National Taiwan Normal University for one year. I start to work in National Pingtung University from February, 2024.  
