Associate professor at Department of Mathematics, Hokkaido University of Education, Japan. 

Research Interests:


[19] A type $B$ analog of the Ish arrangement

[18] Vines and MAT-labeled graphs 

[17] Upper Embeddability of Graphs and Products of Transpositions Associated with Edges

[16] Vertex-weighted Digraphs and Freeness of Arrangements Between Shi and Ish

[15] The characteristic quasi-polynomials of hyperplane arrangements over residually finite Dedekind domains

[14] MAT-free graphic arrangements and a characterization of strongly chordal graphs by edge-labeling

[13] Freeness for restriction arrangements of the extended Shi and Catalan arrangements

[12] Enumeration of Flats of the Extended Catalan and Shi Arrangements with Species 

[11] Unit Ball Graphs on Geodesic Spaces

[10] Modular Construction of Free Hyperplane Arrangements

[9] Freeness of Hyperplane Arrangements between Boolean Arrangements and Weyl Arrangements of Type $ B_{\ell} $

[8] Vertex-weighted graphs and freeness of $ \psi $-graphical arrangements

[7] Signed graphs and the freeness of the Weyl subarrangements of type $ B_{\ell} $

[6] The Chromatic Symmetric Functions of Trivially Perfect Graphs and Cographs

[5] Order Quasisymmetric Functions Distinguish Rooted Trees

[4] A Generalization of APN Functions for Odd Characteristic

[3] The freeness of Ish arrangements

[2] Canonical Systems of Basic Invariants for Unitary Reflection Groups

[1] A canonical system of basic invariants of a finite reflection group

Peer-review International Conference Papers: 

[3] The characteristic quasi-polynomials for exceptional well-generated complex reflection groups

[2] Vines and MAT-labeled graphs

[1] The freeness of Ish arrangements


email: tsujie.shuhei∀

(replace ∀ by at sign)

Department of Mathematics, 

Faculty of Education, 

Hokkaido University of Education, Asahikawa Campus.