Associate professor at Department of Mathematics, Hokkaido University of Education, Japan.
Research Interests:
Algebraic Combinatorics
Hyperplane Arrangements
Graphs and Posets
Discrete Geometry
Invariants of Finite Reflection Groups
[19] A type $B$ analog of the Ish arrangement
Tan Nhat Tran, Shuhei Tsujie
Algebraic Combinatorics, to appear
[18] Vines and MAT-labeled graphs
Hung Manh Tran, Tan Nhat Tran, Shuhei Tsujie
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. 2024;12:e128.
[17] Upper Embeddability of Graphs and Products of Transpositions Associated with Edges
Shuhei Tsujie, Ryo Uchiumi
Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, to appear
[16] Vertex-weighted Digraphs and Freeness of Arrangements Between Shi and Ish
Takuro Abe, Tan Nhat Tran, Shuhei Tsujie
European Journal of Combinatorics 118 (2024) 103920
[15] The characteristic quasi-polynomials of hyperplane arrangements over residually finite Dedekind domains
Masamichi Kuroda, Shuhei Tsujie
Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications 4(1) (2024) Article S2R1
[14] MAT-free graphic arrangements and a characterization of strongly chordal graphs by edge-labeling
Tan Nhat Tran, Shuhei Tsujie
Algebraic Combinatorics 6(6) (2023) 1447 - 1467
[13] Freeness for restriction arrangements of the extended Shi and Catalan arrangements
Norihiro Nakashima, Shuhei Tsujie
Discrete Mathematics 346 (2023) 113601
[12] Enumeration of Flats of the Extended Catalan and Shi Arrangements with Species
Norihiro Nakashima, Shuhei Tsujie
Journal of Integer Sequences 24 (2021) Article 21.9.2
[11] Unit Ball Graphs on Geodesic Spaces
Masamichi Kuroda, Shuhei Tsujie
Graphs and Combinatorics 37 (2021) 111 - 125
[10] Modular Construction of Free Hyperplane Arrangements
Shuhei Tsujie
SIGMA 16 (2020), 080, 19 pages
[9] Freeness of Hyperplane Arrangements between Boolean Arrangements and Weyl Arrangements of Type $ B_{\ell} $
Michele Torielli, Shuhei Tsujie
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 27(3) (2020) #P3.10
[8] Vertex-weighted graphs and freeness of $ \psi $-graphical arrangements
Daisuke Suyama, Shuhei Tsujie
Discrete & Computational Geometry 61 (2019) 185–197
[7] Signed graphs and the freeness of the Weyl subarrangements of type $ B_{\ell} $
Daisuke Suyama, Michele Torielli, Shuhei Tsujie
Discrete Mathematics 342 (2019) 233-249
[6] The Chromatic Symmetric Functions of Trivially Perfect Graphs and Cographs
Shuhei Tsujie
Graphs and Combinatorics 34 (2018) 1037-1048
[5] Order Quasisymmetric Functions Distinguish Rooted Trees
Takahiro Hasebe, Shuhei Tsujie
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 46 (2017) 499-515
[4] A Generalization of APN Functions for Odd Characteristic
Masamichi Kuroda, Shuhei Tsujie
Finite Fields and Their Applications 47 (2017) 64-84
[3] The freeness of Ish arrangements
Takuro Abe, Daisuke Suyama, Shuhei Tsujie
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 146 (2017) 169-183
[2] Canonical Systems of Basic Invariants for Unitary Reflection Groups
Norihiro Nakashima, Hiroaki Terao, Shuhei Tsujie
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 59 (2016) 617-623
[1] A canonical system of basic invariants of a finite reflection group
Norihiro Nakashima, Shuhei Tsujie
Journal of Algebra 406 (2014) 143-153
Peer-review International Conference Papers:
[3] The characteristic quasi-polynomials for exceptional well-generated complex reflection groups
Masamichi Kuroda, Shuhei Tsujie
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 91B (2024) Article #31, 12pp.
[2] Vines and MAT-labeled graphs
Hung Manh Tran, Tan Nhat Tran, Shuhei Tsujie
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 91B (2024) Article #12, 12pp.
[1] The freeness of Ish arrangements
Takuro Abe, Daisuke Suyama, Shuhei Tsujie
DMTCS Proceedings, 27th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2015) 273-284
$q$-deformation of chromatic polynomials and graphical arrangements
Tongyu Nian, Shuhei Tsujie, Ryo Uchiumi, Masahiko Yoshinaga
arXiv:2412.08290 (2024)
Universal graph series, chromatic functions, and their index theory
Tsuyoshi Miezaki, Akihiro Munemasa, Yusaku Nishimura, Tadashi Sakuma, Shuhei Tsujie
arXiv:2403.09985 (2024)
Freeness of hyperplane arrangements associated with gain graphs
Daisuke Suyama, Michele Torielli, Shuhei Tsujie
arXiv:2403.08304 (2024)
Chromatic Signed-Symmetric Functions of Signed Graphs
Masamichi Kuroda, Shuhei Tsujie
arXiv:2101.03018 (2021)
[7] Asahikawa Discrete Mathematics Seminar (2) (February 2024)
[6] Hyperplane Arrangements 2023 (December 2023)
[5] Asahikawa Discrete Mathematics Seminar (March 2023)
[4] Recent Developments in Hyperplane Arrangements 2022 (February 2022)
[3] Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University Discrete Mathematics Seminar (March 2020)
[2] Hyperplane Arrangements in Wakkanai (August 2019)
[1] The 6th Mathematics Conference for Young Researchers (February 2010)
email: tsujie.shuhei∀
(replace ∀ by at sign)
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Education,
Hokkaido University of Education, Asahikawa Campus.