I am an Economics Ph.D. candidate at New York University.
My research is on microeconomic questions in labor, education, and intergenerational mobility. As an applied researcher, I have broad experience working with large and complex datasets, tackling challenging questions using state-of-the-art econometric methods. 

Here is my resume. You can reach me at aloni@nyu.edu 


Cash Transfers and Intergenerational Insurance: Evidence from Mass Layoffs in Israel [JMP] (with Hadar Avivi)

One Land, Many Promises: The Unequal Consequences of Childhood Location for Natives and Immigrants in Israel (with Hadar Avivi)

Gender Differences in the Effects of Job Displacement: The Role of Firms (draft soon!) (with Hadar Avivi)

Pre-doctoral Research

Intergenerational Mobility in Israel
With Ze'ev Krill, 2017, MA thesis, Eitan-Berglas School of Economics, Tel-Aviv University (best thesis prize for 2017)
Written under the supervision of Itay Saporta-Eksten
Media coverage (Hebrew): TheMarker #1, TheMarker #2, Ynet, and Calcalist
Also published in Hebrew as a policy paper for the Israeli Ministry of Finance

The Effect of the Field of Study on the Higher Education Wage Premium: Evidence from Israel
With Ze'ev Krill and Assaf Geva, 2019, Labour
Media coverage (Hebrew): Globes, Ynet, TheMarker


Live labor market graphs - take a look at the Israeli labor market aggregates

With Hadar Avivi

Research Partners

I am thankful to the collaborating organizations who support our research: