
Express yourself on the outside - no matter whats happening on the inside

Are you attending a prom, graduation or simply need a change?

Teenage years can be a great time to discover your own unique style and to express your personality through the clothes that you wear, but it can also be a difficult time to deal with the physical changes taking place and the confusing feeling you can experience with it.

Whether your male or female we can help you to develop your own style in a way that flatters you and your body shape which will give you more self confidence. I also assist individuals with mental health and special needs e.g. those that may have experienced bullying, self harm or going through illnesses.

As a parent it can be difficult to watch your son or daughter growing up and dealing with the mixed emotions they may face about their own body images. Why not buy a gift voucher for this professional service for the one you love?

A styling session/ makeover session tailored especially to your personal needs could be a great experience for everyone involved - giving you advice and guidance.

“you don't get a second chance to make a first impression”