3. Mobilitate Finlanda-Helsinki

În perioada 26 -30 aprilie 2022 a avut loc la Helsinki/Finlanda cursul de formare cu titlul Benchmarking Education” la care au participat prof. Floroiu Ana-Maria și prof. Istrate Amalia.

Jurnal: https://padlet.com/CNAL/7fd6zdtrm5zb2y6p

Program of “Benchmarking Education”

Day 1:

Education System in Finland. General overview

- Specific aspects of the Education System in Finland

12:00-14:00 _ Orientating Tour in Helsinki

Day 2:

Ice-breaking activities and introduction of the course program

Getting to know each other – Presentation of participants (a five-minute presentation)

“Contexts4Content”: Images of Finnish Society

Day 3:

What are the school development plans, curriculum reform in Finnish Education System

Educational organization and management of learning

- Student in the center.

- Finnish School Policies

How to improve social skills at school

Day 4:

Coaching for Teaching and Learning

- The role of coaching

- Teachers’ learning and students’ learning

- Recognizing the core tensions in developing teacher

Discussing dissemination strategies.

Day 5:

Presentation of learning portfolios (What have we learned?)

Overview of the course program

Evaluation of the course program

Filling the feedback forms

Europass Mobility Certificate, Participation Certificate