Registered nurses are required for high-quality healthcare. Thus, the anatomy course is essential regarding professional knowledge of the human body during the nursing training process. However, previous studies have indicated that anatomy teaching time and anatomy teachers were reduced and insufficient. Therefore, to improve the learning of practical anatomy in response to these difficulties, a bilingual National Taiwan University web-based anatomy atlas (NTU-WAA) was created as a cross-platform application and its feasibility was evaluated.

An anatomy course encompassing theory and laboratory parts is the basic curriculum in a medical college. Students who plan to dedicate their career to medicine can gain the knowledge of the structures and functions of the human body through this course. The comprehension of anatomical knowledge could help learners when speaking of therapeutic concepts in the healthcare profession [5]. Nursing students can learn how to communicate with patients and other healthcare professionals in the context of diagnosis and treatment [6, 7]. Therefore, an anatomy course is required for safe clinical practice in healthcare professions.

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Materials and Methods: Forty human tali adult dry were procured from thebone sets of the department of anatomy, forensic medicine and 1st year MBBSstudents. Tali were examined individually and were observed for the types ofcalcaneal articular facets. They were classified into groups, their anatomicalsetup and percentages of incidence were studied.

Morphometric values of talus and calcaneus are important foranatomy, diagnosis of fractures type, corrective orthopedic surgery,kinesiology, physical treatment and rehabilitation. Talus is also thekey bone of the longitudinal arch, has a unique structure designed tochannel and distribute body weight to the planter arch below [1]. Ittakes part in the formation of talocrural, subtalar and talocalcaneonavicularjoints [2]. Most of the talar body is supplied by branches ofthe artery of the tarsal canal. The head and neck are supplied by thedorsalis pedis artery and the artery of the tarsal sinus. The posteriorpart of the talus is supplied by branches of the posterior tibial arteryvia calcaneal branches that enter through the posterior tubercle. Theadequate knowledge of the anatomy of talus is significant not only to the anatomists but also to the orthopedic surgeons as fractures of thetalus are quiet common and lead to a vascular necrosis, arthritis andwhen unrecognized lead to chronic pain and non-union [3]. Talus hasthree articulating surfaces 1) large oval surface on its most posterioraspect, articulating with sustenticulum tali of calcaneum, 2) a flatsurface on its anterolateral surface articulating with upper surface ofcalcaneum on its anteromedial surface and 3) medial to the above twofacets is the third facet articulating with the spring ligament, whichis covered by articular cartilage [4]. The body of the talus articulateswith posterior facets of the calcaneus, while the head articulates withfacet (s) on the anterior third of calcaneus, are clinically referred toas the subtalar joint, where the important movements of inversionand eversion of the foot occur. The integrity of the talus is import for normal function of ankle, subtalar, and transverse tarsal joints.Injuries to the head, neck, or body of the talus can interfere withnormal coupled motion of these joints and result in permanent pain,loss of motion, and deformity. Based on the x-ray appearance at timeof injury talus fracture is classified in (Type I), an undisplaced verticalfracture of the neck talus, fracture line enters the subtalar joint betweenthe middle and posterior facets. A fracture with clear displacement ofeven 1 to 2mm is (Type II) fractures rather than (Type I). In (Type II),the fracture line frequently enters a portion of the body and posteriorfacet of the talus. (Type III) injuries are characterized by a fracture ofthe neck with displacement of the body of the talus from the subtalarand ankle joints. In (Type IV) injuries, the fracture of the talar neckis associated with dislocation of the body from the ankle and subtalarjoints with additional dislocation or subluxation of the head of thetalus from the talonavicular joint. Outcomes vary widely and arerelated to the degree of initial fracture displacement. Pes planus orflatfoot may be congenital or an inherited condition associated withmild subluxation of the subtalar joint [5]. Harris and Beath assertedthat the fusion between the talus and the calcaneus was specificallyresponsible for the peroneal spastic flatfoot [6]. Arora et al. conducteda detailed study on 500 Indian human tali and discovered that thereare considerable variations in articular facets on the plantar surfaceof the head and body of talus [7]. A similar study was conducted byBilodi [8]. These authors divided talar articular facets into differenttypes, could be due to differences in gait, built and habitat of a person.Therefore, the prior acquaintance with the anatomical set up of talusand its various articulations holds significance not only in delineatingthe underlying pathology and its treatment but also helps in fracturetreatment.

Forty human tali adult dry were obtained for study from the bonesets of the department of anatomy, forensic medicine and of MBBS 1styear students. The patterns of articulating facets between the talus andcalcaneus have been studied. Types and preponderance of articularfacets of talus and calcanium were studied using few parameters such as degree of separation, fusion and shape. They were examinedindividually and observations were made on types of calcanealarticular facets for tali (their shape and sizes) and were marked withpencil, numbered and photographed. They were classified into fourgroups and their percentages of incidence were calculated. Later theywere well compared and correlated with available literature. Studywas used to plan the placement of inter-fragmentry lag screw downthe neck of the talus to avoid the sinus tarsi inferiorly, so the arterialsupply of talus in sinus tarsi may not be compromised.

The present study on human tali and detailed anatomicinformation will be the baseline for science of anatomy, variousorthopedic diagnostic and treatment procedures. The complexity oftalar anatomy, its physiological role in functioning of lower limb andvariability of fracture pattern affects the outcomes of talus fracture.Therefore, Orthopaedic surgeon should have thorough knowledge ofosseous anatomy, vascular supply and modern methods of fixation.The variations in the inferior surface of the talus enable the tali to beclassified according to the number and disposition of the articularfacets of the talus for calcaneum, being familiar with various patternmay help in correction of various foot deformity, treating thecommonly encountered joint instability and screw fixation of fracturetalus. Three dimensional computerized imaging techniques maypresent facet surfaces of talus and calcaneus. So in the talocalcanealsubluxation, dislocation of fractured fragments of talus, coalitionand many dysmorphologies, success rate of diagnosis and treatmentwill increase and talocalcaneal joint implants and prosthesis may bedeveloped. 2351a5e196

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