In 2017, I took a programming class called Creative Coding. The focus of this course was to show how programming can be used to create art. These projects coded in Javascript were my first exposure to programming.

A year later, I took a course called AP Computer Science where I got to learn more complex programming with Java and some C#. Here, I truly got to explore how programs can be structured differently to solve the same problem.

Then, in 2021, I started my bachelor in Data engineering at NTNU, where I've now gotten to challenge myself more than ever before!


Future Career Goals

For my future, I want to be involved in some form of research. Due to personal reasons, I am very interested in combining programming (artificial intelligence and modelling) with oncology. Beyond that, I wish to be involved in an innovative company where I can constantly develop myself. I want a dynamic career filled with new challenges everyday.

Work experience

September 2023 - Present


Part-time Software Developer

August 2023 - Present


Teaching Assistant in Algorithms and Data Structures

June - August 2023


Summer Intern

February - August 2023


Full-Stack Developer

October 2022 - June 2023


Student Mentor for Programming

August - December 2022


Student Assistant for Programming 1


August 2019 - May 2021

International Baccalaureate 

Highschool in Sandefjord

August 2021 - June 2024

Bachelor in Data Engineering

NTNU, Trondheim