T R U T H 


A collaboration between the 11 recognized Tribal Governments of Minnesota, the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council (MIAC), and the Office of American Indian and Tribal Nations Relations at the University of Minnesota (UMN), The Towards Recognition and University-Tribal Healing—TRUTH—project is a Native-organized, Native-led, community-driven research movement that offers multiple recommendations on how the University community can be in better relation with Indigenous peoples.

Part of the justice-oriented Minnesota Transform project funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, TRUTH was formed in response to the 2020 resolutions written by the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council (MIAC) to examine the origins of UMN as a land grab university, how that impacts Indigenous peoples today, and develops frameworks for Tribally-led systems change. 

The first of its kind, TRUTH is an exploratory study to assess what has been erased and effaced in order to reclaim what was grabbed by the University. TRUTH uses place-based, Tribally-led research designed to, for the first time, tell the story of Tribal-University relations from an Indigenous perspective. This is done through the centering of land, practicing relationality, and amplifying Tribal voices.