
May 5, 2023

9:00 - 9:10

Introduction and opening remarks

9:10 - 9:45

Invited talk 1 + Q&A

Praneeth Netrapalli (Towards neural networks robust to distribution shifts)

9:45 - 10:20

Invited talk 2 + Q&A

Vitaly Feldman (What Neural Networks Memorize and Why)

10:35 - 10:45

Contributed talk 2

On the Efficacy of Differentially Private Few-shot Image Classification

10:45 - 10:55

Contributed talks 3

Practical Differentially Private Hyperparameter Tuning with Subsampling

10:55 - 11:05

Contributed talk 4

Error Discovery by Clustering Influence Embeddings

11:05 - 11:15

Coffee break

11:15 - 12:15

Poster Session (list of accepted papers)

12:15 - 13:40

Lunch break

13:40 - 14:15

Invited talk 3 + Q&A

Fereshte Khani (Impacts of Data Scarcity on Groups and Harnessing LLMs for Solution)

14:15 - 14:50

Invited talk 4 + Q&A

Ruth Urner (How (not) to Model an Adversary)

14:50 - 15:25

Invited talk 5 + Q&A 

Nicholas Carlini (Practical poisoning of machine learning models)

15:25 - 15:35

Coffee break

15:35 - 16:05

Panel Discussion

16:05 - 16:15

Contributed Talk 5

Project with Source, Probe with Target: Extracting Useful Features for Adaptation to Distribution Shifts

16:15 - 16:25

Contributed Talk 6

Efficient utilization of pre-trained model for learning with noisy labels

16:25 - 16:30

Closing Remarks

16:30 - 18:00

Poster Session (list of accepted papers)