Role of TRUST in the implementation of digital technologies: blockchain technology and artificial intelligence in smart cities

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Workshop in brief

This workshop aims at investigating the role of trust in the implementation of digital technologies by means of an interdisciplinary approach, including engineering, economic, legal considerations. The focus will be on the use of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology (BCT) in Smart cities and in particular in smart energy systems, as means to optimize energy trading and managing. They are key technologies for energy transition that require to face technological challenges for their implementation (e.g. cyber security), but they also rise further critical issues about how to secure the trust process in terms of requirements of the legal framework, technical applications and economic/business conditions. Contributions can deal with, but are not limited to, cyber-security, BCT in peer to peer energy trading, artificial intelligence methods for energy supply coordination, etc. 

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Keywords of TRUST project @ EDCC conference

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The proceedings of the workshop will be published in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS).

This workshop is linked with the TRUST RISE project: visit our project site by clicking here