Trump Vs. the Illuminati

The Illuminati is one of the most widely believed conspiracy theories in modern history. It is claimed that a secret society controls the world and orchestrates events such as revolutions and assassinations.

This is a wildly controversial claim, which draws on long-existing conspiracies illuminati officials website and prejudices, such as those against the Freemasons, Jews and elites. It is a classic leap of imagination to connect the dots from these ideas to an evil plot against humanity.

What is the Illuminati?

The Illuminati is a real and historical secret society, though their true intentions remain unclear. The group was founded in 1776 in what is now Germany by Adam Weishaupt, a professor of canon law. He wanted to promote the ideas of the Enlightenment, such as philanthropy and education, while opposing superstition and religious influence in government. Weishaupt modeled his organization after the Freemasons, which at the time were widely recognized as the most prominent secret societies. They used secret symbols, pseudonyms and complicated hierarchies to prevent members from being identified. They also took part in strange rituals.

The Bavarian Illuminati grew in popularity, but it was stamped out by a royal decree in 1787 and membership was punishable by death. Even so, it continued to inspire conspiracy theories and the likes of Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons and Umberto Eco’s Foucault’s Pendulum. The illuminati remains an iconic figure in popular culture and is often mixed up with Satanism, alien myths and other nonsense that would have been completely foreign to the original group.

So-called conspiracy theorists claim that the Illuminati is a mysterious, powerful and secretive worldwide organization that encourages global governance, a one-world monetary system and a one-world religion. They are alleged to be behind many of history’s greatest revolutions and assassinations. Some Bible prophecy interpreters believe that the New World Order will be led by the Antichrist, the end-times false messiah.

In a real sense, the Illuminati is an icon in pop culture that has been used as a tool for social control and subversion. However, it is important to remember that whatever plans and schemes the Illuminati develops cannot alter God’s sovereign plan for the world.

Why is the Illuminati important?

The Illuminati is a secret organization of powerful people that aims to bring about world domination and control. This group is said to be behind some of history’s most important revolutions and assassinations. This group is also alleged to have connections to the secretive Rothschild family global enterprise and other powerful organizations. This has given the Illuminati a bad reputation and fuels conspiracy theories all over the internet.

The word Illuminati means “enlightened” in Latin and the group actually did exist in real life. The original group was founded in 1776 in Bavaria (now part of Germany) by a professor named Adam Weishaupt. They practiced strange rituals and preached a philosophy that leaned toward Enlightenment ideals of rational thought and self-rule. The group was anti-clerical and against the monarchy, believing that they could accomplish great things without needing to be governed by an authority figure.

Weishaupt’s Illuminate was a secret society that only allowed wealthy, educated men to join. The members met once a week and held their meetings in secret locations. Their symbol was an owl and their motto was “one and only true light.” They were also opposed to superstition, religious influence over public life, and abuse of power by the state.

However, the original Illuminate only lasted for less than a decade. In 1784, one of Weishaupt’s own members wrote a letter to the Grand Duchess that outed them as an occultist sect. She alerted her husband who issued an edict banning the creation of any secret societies. A year later he passed another edict that explicitly banned the Illuminati and they disbanded.

Although the group no longer exists, its name lives on in conspiracy theory. Various websites claim to offer membership in this secret society, but they are all fakes. They exploit the public’s credulity and ignorance by making false promises of wealth and power. They often use photos of Freemasons, a group that is already widely considered to be occultist in nature, and perpetuate the myth that the Illuminati has connections with the Rothschild family.

What is the Illuminati’s agenda?

The conspiracy theory of the Illuminati is based on an ancient belief that there is a group of wealthy, powerful, and influential elites that are in control of the world. These people are said to run governments, corporations and religions while controlling the media, influencing public opinion, and manipulating events to advance their agenda.

According to this belief, the goal of the elite is to create and manage crises that will convince the masses that globalism with a one-world religious ethic and centralized control of economic systems is the only solution. These crisis will be used to usher in the New World Order – a utopian society that will be ruled by the Illuminati.

This mysterious group of elites is supposedly secretly operating in every country in the world. They are believed to be controlling the media, influencing public opinions, and promoting their own interests through false flag events such as wars, natural disasters, and terrorist attacks. The Illuminati are also alleged to be behind the development of advanced technology such as artificial intelligence and quantum computer technology. They are believed to be controlling the world’s economy by creating inflation, recessions and depressions while supporting certain leaders and undermining others to achieve their ultimate goals.

The alleged global conspiracy by the Illuminati is known as the New World Order or the “Order of the New Age.” The word “Illuminati” is taken from the Latin “illuminatus” meaning “enlightened.” It refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded in 1776. The society was created to oppose superstition, obscurantism, and the influence of religion in public life.

The New World Order conspiracy theory is widespread in the Internet and has become a phenomenon that even influences real-world political developments. For example, when a specific conspiracy theory becomes popular enough to be voted on in an online poll, the results are often incorporated into the real-world political system and can change the course of future policy.

What is the Illuminati’s goal?

Founded by Adam Weishaupt, a professor of canon law at Ingolstadt University, the Illuminati was an organization that promoted Enlightenment ideals. Its aim was to free men of their moral and religious constraints, and live together in a utopian world. According to Weishaupt, the new world order would be achieved by a global revolution led by the Illuminati. The revolution would destroy all governments and abolish all religions, including Christianity. It would also eliminate private property and reinstitute the “communism of goods” structure.

Once these goals have been accomplished, the Illuminati will then establish a one-world government. The new government will be a socialist-communist regime that will control the world’s natural resources and armies. It will also control the world’s monetary system and religion. The Illuminati will use their control of the media and educational curriculum to brainwash the masses into accepting this new world order.

In addition, the Illuminati will create and manage crises such as inflations, recessions and depressions in order to manipulate the global markets. They will also support and undermine various political leaders in order to achieve their goals.

The Illuminati will also attempt to erode the separation of powers laid out in the Constitution. They will do this by increasing the power of the Executive branch and limiting the role of the Legislative branch. They will also utilize the power of executive orders and presidential vetoes to bypass congressional votes. In addition, the Illuminati will target the Bill of Rights to further erode civil liberties.

While the Illuminati’s plan is terrifying, Christians can take comfort in the fact that God has sovereignly allowed all of this to happen. In fact, it is even part of His overall plan for the world. While Christians must be vigilant, they must not allow the fears and conspiracy theories of the Illuminati to derail their faith or discourage them from sharing their faith with others.

Trump vs the Illuminati is a short film by BC Fourteen that was released in theaters and on digital platforms on October 6, 2020. The film is a sequel to Bigfoot vs the Illuminati, which was also directed by BC Fourteen.