Frontpage produces terrible code that won't be maintainable by other developers not using frontpage, meaning almost all web developers with common sense - especially since Frontpage got discontinued.

Microsoft FrontPageTypeHTML editorDeveloperMicrosoftReleasedNovember 1995 (as Vermeer FrontPage)Latest release versionMicrosoft Office 2003LicensingProprietaryOperating systemMicrosoft WindowsPlatformx86 and x64SuccessorMicrosoft Expression Web

Microsoft SharePoint FrontPage (also known as Microsoft Office FrontPage) is a discontinued WYSIWYG HTML editor and website administration tool from Microsoft for the Windows line of operating systems. It was branded as part of the Microsoft Office suite from 1997 to 2003. Microsoft FrontPage has since been replaced by Microsoft Expression Web and SharePoint Designer, which were first released in December 2006 alongside Microsoft Office 2007, but these two products were also discontinued in favor of a web-based version of SharePoint Designer, as those three HTML editors were desktop applications.

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Microsoft frontpage is really good depending on your dedication and it is simpler than dreamweaver. I have been using it for the past 5 years and almost all my sites were developed using it. Please note that dreamweaver is also very good to use. In fact there are some browser-side/server-side scripts (like current date) that can be easilly achieved in dreamweaver that you wouldn't be able to do in FP. If you are not good enough, site setting up your site before commencing work in dreamweaver can be trying for a beginner as well as webpage layout. There is no harm in trying FP out. One thing I really like about using FP is the ease of uploading your site after you migth have installed your FP extension in the control panel. To be brief, if you need a material (the one I used to tutor myself from a total novice), let me know. There are lots of other things in FP that makes web design a lot easy but I strongly recommend that you learn both alongside. And you know what? You can build a hybrid website using the two software without anyone better smarter. That's what i just started doing recently.

Hope you find this useful a bit.Bye.

Still, for $40, frontpage 03 is a bargain. Beware though, trust the seller. Like office 2003, frontpage has activation. If it has been installed many times, or has a dodgy key, you will not be able to run it. Ensure that you trust the guy, the key seems valid and that you have all associated materials. Enquire with him about how many different hardware fingerprints it was installed on, and whether it remains installed on any of them.

Thanks jbennet. I am aware of the fact and I have even attempted using Expression web but changed my mind due to the fact that I wanted to learn dreamweaver. I have started using dreamweaver but not as adequaely as FP. 2ndly, why should I be patronizing microsoft products alone when others are there for me to try out?

Jbennet, if you know of other professional web design software, let me know please.

I shall download Expression web to see how well I can go with it.

Thanks a lot I appreciate it.

It has never been opened. The guy is in my unit (US Army) and deployed right after buying it. I wanted to get dreamweaver in the first place, but with 2 kids and a soldiers salary thats not particularly feasible. The main reason he's selling it is because he's lost interest in web design and is leaning towards software programming. So I figure if he has it still sealed, so what can it hurt to play around with? I've been teaching myself XHTML/CSS for about 8 months now. I'm much better when it comes to using the XHTML than the CSS right now, but I am learning lol. I mainly write something up and just open it with my browser, experiment with different things right now. But, I figured frontpage would be a new endeavor for me. Although I will look into expressions as well, but at 40 bucks its hard to pass up, I was wondering if its worth that price. Also, I alternate between Notepad++ and Notepad2, however, I prefer notepad++. Any other good open source text editors out there?

See the documentation for the slaxml library., http.max-body-size, http.max-cache-size, http.max-pipeline, http.pipeline, http.truncated-ok, http.useragent See the documentation for the http library. smbdomain, smbhash, smbnoguest, smbpassword, smbtype, smbusername See the documentation for the smbauth library. vulns.short, vulns.showall See the documentation for the vulns library. Example Usage nmap -p 80 --script=http-frontpage-login Script Output PORT STATE SERVICE REASON80/tcp open http syn-ack| http-frontpage-login:| VULNERABLE:| Frontpage extension anonymous login| State: VULNERABLE| Description:| Default installations of older versions of frontpage extensions allow anonymous logins which can lead to server compromise.|| References:|_ Requires  stdnse shortport http string vulns Author:Aleksandar NikolicLicense:  Same as Nmap--See -legal.html 589ccfa754

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