Cannabis con CBD, la denominada marihuana light

Cannabidiol is a substance present in marijuana that is becoming a common remedy to calm pain, reduce anxiety and improve sleep in countries such as the United States and some in Europe, also in Spain.

Cannabis, another name for marijuana, is made up of more than 100 chemicals. The two most predominant are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). A lot has been written about THC, it is the psychoactive compound that alters the central nervous system, which makes those who use marijuana feel “high”. Since 1971 in the Vienna Convention, THC is considered a "narcotic" substance.

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On the contrary, CBD is not psychoactive and is obtained through an extraction of the marijuana flower. This compound is associated with many beneficial effects for humans. CBD is therefore the “good” part of cannabis, the one that allows users not to feel “high”.

Multiple sclerosis patients, among other diseases, use it to combat spasticity (contracted muscles) and it is also used as a treatment such as cancer. Many neurologists prescribe treatments with this substance and in Spain it is legal if permission is requested from EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority.

Cannabis with CBD is marketed on the internet. Currently, since March 2018, CBD can only be used as a cosmetic or industrial product. On the market there are sprays for medicinal use with THC and CBD in specific amounts that prevent addiction, confirm neurologists.

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