While visiting TROPIKALI, visitors are subject to the following house rules:

1. Age & Entry

2. Own Risk & Liability

3. Alcohol & Drugs

4. Safety

5. Photography & Videography

6. Festival grounds

7. General


At TROPIKALI we want to ensure a safe space for all of our guests and protect the values of inclusivity, respect and appreciation for one another that are imperative to us and our community. We ask all our visitors to follow the inclusivity rules:

We will not tolerate racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, biphobic, femme phobic, ageist, ableist, classist, xenophobic, antisemitism, islamophobia heteronormative or oppressive behaviour or language of any kind.

We have zero-tolerance for non-consensual touching, staring, commenting or any behaviours which might make others feel uncomfortable. Consent is a core factor to ensuring the safety and freedom of our guests to enjoy their time during TROPIKALI and any form of non-consensual activity is prohibited.

Using another person’s culture to represent either oppression or freedom comes off as disrespectful, stereotypical, racist and xenophobic. Romanticising another culture or race can also be a form of stereotyping. We ask our guests to be responsible for their own stories instead of appropriating cultural heritage that does not belong to them.

TROPIKALI is a space where LGBTQIA+ people - and those who don’t know where they stand - can express themselves freely and without judgment. 

Let’s celebrate what makes us unique!