

"Social Security Pension Generosity and the Effect on Household Saving", The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 126(3), 2024, 529560 (with Elin Halvorsen, Zhiyang Jia and Herman Kruse) [Published version]

"Identifying the Elasticity of Substitution with Biased Technical Change – A Structural Panel GMM Estimator", The Econometrics Journal, 27(1), 2024, 84–106 (with Thomas von Brasch and Arvid Raknerud) [Published version]

"Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomic Performance and Industry Structure in a Small Open Economy", Journal of Macroeconomics, 76, 2023, 103524 (with Pål Boug, Thomas von Brasch, Ådne Cappelen, Roger Hammersland, Dag Kolsrud, Julia Skretting and Birger Strøm) [Published version]

"A Two-Stage Bennet Decomposition of the Change in the Weighted Arithmetic Mean", Journal of Official Statistics, 39, 2023, 123137 (with Thomas von Brasch, Håkon Grini and Magnus Berglund Johnsen) [Published version]

"Health, Longevity and Retirement Reform", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 103, 2019, 123157 (with Tobias Laun, Simen Markussen and Johanna Wallenius) [Published version]

"The Retirement Age and the Hiring of Senior Workers", Labour Economics, 51, 2018, 247270 [Published version]


"Koronakrisens første uker hvem tok støyten i arbeidslivet?" [Unemployment in the Corona Crisis Some are Hit Much Harder than Others], Samfunnsøkonomen [Journal of The Norwegian Association of Economists], 2, 2020, 4150 (with Bernt Bratsberg, Gaute Eilesen, Simen Markussen, Oddbjørn Raaum and Knut Røed) [Published version, in Norwegian]

"Endringer i tildeling av ytelser fra NAV" [Changes in NAV's Allocation of Benefits], Søkelys på arbeidslivet [Norwegian Journal of Working Life Studies], 33 (3), 2016, 228246 [Published version, in Norwegian]


"Work Less but Stay Longer – Mature Worker Response to a Flexibility Reform", R&R at Labour Economics (with Erik Hernæs, Zhiyang Jia and John Piggott) [WP September 2021]

"The Internet, Search Frictions and Aggregate Unemployment", R&R at Review of Economic Studies (with Manudeep Bhuller, Domenico Ferraro and Andreas R. Kostøl) [WP February 2023]

[Link to Google Scholar profile]