is this config file in my home/cobfig directory because I installed qt/kde application DigiKam? If i understand it correctly this trolltech is a company behind qt? (proprietary licenses?) Another config file i got there is QtProject.conf which clearly has to have something to do with DigiKam, its content:

I am streaming some HTTP Live Stream from Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3. At the client side, when i do the Wireshark trace, i always get the video file ts as text/vnd.trolltech.linguist and never as video/mp2t.

Trolltech Qt 5 Download

Download 🔥 🔥

For someone else who arrive to this page pinned first on Google engine and on StackOverflow after put "text/vnd.trolltech.linguist" ( in my case becasue Facebook say "text/vnd.trolltech.linguist is not allowed" when trying to upload TS file), you can try to change the extension file to ".MTS" or ".M2TS" , following the recommendation posted on the forum given by Wil Macaulay

After some investigation, and reading of QTBUG-16549, it turns out that the com.trolltech.plist config file is used by various Qt classes for storing persistent global variables. For example this happens when using the QFileDialog or QColorDialog classes (which affects Smart Shooter).

Here is the ESET Scan. Lots of false positives including CCleaner and other Piriform software 'cause of bundling the google toolbar which I didn't think I installed. Let me know as the folks over at the Ccleaner forum don't think this trolltech is malware.

Nokia does not make OS'es or IDE's. Nokia doesn't make operating systems? What do you think their phones run on? Nokia owns nearly 50% of Symbian [] which is an operating system. They also have other cell phones that run on different operating systems [] developed by them. Cell phones are just a specialized computer. True, they make use of some open source stuff but they develop a LOT more of what they use themselves or via subsidiaries. I attended a presentation made by the CEO of Nokia [] and he indicated that Nokia had over 14,000 software workers (this was about 5 years ago) alone. Now I can't verify that claim but I have little reason to doubt it. He made the claim that Nokia basically is a software company that happens to make cellular phones. A bit of an exaggeration perhaps but only a bit.Parent SharetwitterfacebookRe:Nokia does develop software and lots of it (Score:5, Informative)by i.r.id10t ( 595143 ) writes: on Monday January 28, 2008 @09:34AM (#22207732) Not to mention the Linux distro that they ship on the 770, 800, and 810, and maemo, etc.Parent SharetwitterfacebookRe: (Score:2)by 0xdeadbeef ( 28836 ) writes: And don't forget about their Eclipse-based Carbide IDE [].Re:Nokia does develop software and lots of it (Score:5, Informative)by blosphere ( 614452 ) writes: on Monday January 28, 2008 @10:23AM (#22208258)Homepage Nokia doesn't write THAT much of their OWN software, they usually just outsource it.

After the vendor fucks it up then they try to fix it, usually with not-so-good results.


I work for the company.Parent SharetwitterfacebookRe:KDE Qt Free Foundation (Score:5, Informative)by Mechanik ( 104328 ) writes: on Monday January 28, 2008 @09:32AM (#22207710)Homepage Nokia does not make OS'es or IDE's. 


Actually, they do []. And, it's Eclipse and CDT based, so I would say that anyone that claims Nokia is not a friend of open source is mistaken. I am a committer on CDT, and I can vouch for the fact that the Nokia folks that work on Carbide have been making some significant contributions to CDT... enough that they have a committer on the project as well.


And let's not forget that they own a controlling interest in Symbian, who does make OSes.Parent SharetwitterfacebookRe: (Score:2)by SCHecklerX ( 229973 ) writes: Why? Nokia does not make OS'es or IDE's.

Oh? *looks at his IPSO firewalls and scratches head*Re: (Score:3, Interesting)by ashridah ( 72567 ) writes: As others have pointed out, Nokia do indeed make OS's, Symbian and their own home-grown variety. Let's also not forget that Qt maintains an embedded edition of their UI toolkit, which may well be very valuable to Nokia.

 They're also in the IDE business [], since they joined the Eclipse foundation, and have been pumping code into the C/C++ components, so people can use them to work on extensions for their own phones.

Re:KDE Qt Free Foundation (Score:5, Informative)by bytta ( 904762 ) writes: on Monday January 28, 2008 @08:56AM (#22207388) They have a whole page [] of announcements 'n' stuff, including an Open Letter to the Open Source Community, and a letter to QT customers.Seems like they really want to give the impression they don't intend to screw anyone over. Time will tell. 17dc91bb1f

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