
 Below is a brief synopsis of my research (left) as well as my submitted papers and research statement (right).

Research: Probability, PDE's, applications to harmonic analysis and spectral theory

PhD Dissertation: On Steiner Symmetrizations of First Exit Time Distributions and Lèvy Processes

More specifically, I am dealing with probabilistic/analytic inequalities that deal with specific quantities of an n-dimensional region with finite volume, namely the first exit time distribution for an α-stable symmetric process, 0<α2. In this case, the class of regions I consider here are bounded Lipschitz domains. I then see how I can apply symmetrization techniques (in particular, Steiner symmetrization) to increase the first exit time distribution and see what type of convergence results I obtain in extending to a countable sequence of such symmetrizations. The idea is to use this as a means of proving the Polya-Szegö conjecture in greater generality beyond the case of the first exit time of Brownian motion (when α=2).

Though this description does seem relatively abstract, there is a way to visualize it as a real-world problem, which can be seen here ("Can you hear the shape of a drum?"). You can also see some models of circular membranes with fixed boundaries here to visualize the various types of modes/frequencies of a drum in the case of a 2-D circle.

To see what happens more precisely regarding the mathematics behind these details, you can view a survey paper I've been working on here (there may be typos; just FYI). I also gave a talk at the Purdue Probability Seminar in the Spring 2023 semester with slide presentation, so you may also use this to see what I've been working on.

Submitted Papers

On Steiner Symmetrizations for First Exit Time Distributions arXiv:2303.09547

Research Statement

Research Statement.pdf