The scan finished. It said ta the end now viruses were found although whilst scanning it showed it had found 17 as I was watching it scan. Where do I find the resulting log file to show you the results?

The scan finished. It said at the end no viruses were found, although whilst scanning it showed it had found 17 as I was watching it scan. Where do I find the resulting log file to show you the results?

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Thank you. On 6 Feb Microsoft Defender antivirus was warning about one EXE file. Please look on the Desktop at 1 specific folder U-Render v2022.8.10.SP1 for Cinema 4D 2023 and then look for U-Render-Setup-2022.08.10-84584ffae.exe

I have been recently concerned about a malicious software on my phone, basically - the trojan/virus acts silently in the background, it increases battery drain, gives regular (and system apps) overpowered permissions and installs 'icon' programs that are a link shortcut to a possibly malicious website which I would rather not like to open.

Even often referred to as trojan horse virus, there are some subtle but important differences between Trojans, viruses and worms. In contrast to the latter two, Trojans are not able to replicate themselves, nor are they able to autonomously infect other files or spread to other devices. Instead, they require input from an external source: you.

Backdoor.Nitol is one example of a backdoor trojan that has gained a lot of attention in recent months. The trojan makes use of the same NSA exploit as WannaCry, ransomware that infected more than 350,000 computers around the world earlier this year.

This particular type is incredibly common and can have dire financial consequences for businesses and users alike. As the name implies, the primary objective of a banker trojan is to obtain banking data stored on your system that will give the hackers access to your bank accounts, credit and debit cards and e-payment systems.

Exploit trojans are usually concealed with programs. When executed, they exploit security weaknesses within your operating system or other software installed on your computer, giving hackers access to your data or control over your system.

A rootkit is a particularly devious type of trojan that is designed to prevent both you and your antivirus solution from identifying the presence of other malicious software. This gives the malware a bigger window of opportunity to wreak havoc on the infected system.

SmartService is a good example of a rootkit. The trojan is typically distributed via adware bundles that many users inadvertently install when acquiring free software. After installation, SmartService creates a Windows service that prevents you from running security software and can even stop you disabling certain processes and deleting particular files. This protective behavior makes it substantially more difficult to remove the other adware that was installed alongside SmartService.

Trojan downloaders are exceptionally common among home users, who may inadvertently install one after downloading a file from an unverified or disreputable source. The payload varies, but often takes the form of adware and potentially unwanted programs, which can drastically slow your computer down. Downloaders are often less complex than other types of trojans, but still pose a significant risk.

Because trojans are not capable of replicating or spreading themselves independently, they require user input to be successful. Of course, few users are willingly going to play a role in downloading and installing malicious software on their own system, so hackers have to use disguises and deceit to coerce you into running their software. Trojans generally camouflage themselves as harmless software or hide among the lines of code written within real, legitimate software.

While you might be leading the charge, the good news is that there are a number of tools that can help you in the battle against Trojans. For example, reputable IT security solutions can prevent them from penetrating your defenses and remove any malicious software that may have crept in while another antivirus product was supposed to be keeping watch.

I opened up Safari and straight away it started by a loading screen with a pop up window and a voice saying 'please contact this number' I forced quit Safari straight away and did an anti virus scan and it came up with 7 viruses - namely VBA:Downloader-AOV, others were the same but different three letters. Does anyone know how to remove these trojan viruses. The work computer uses AVAST for mac as the anti virus, and I'm not sure how you remove them.

The presence of viruses which tend to be for Windows computers and won't affect a Mac (unless you run Windows on it), and the message you are seeing, may be unrelated so you have two issues. Use ClamXAV to deal with the Windows things, check for your computer. Edit: It looks like Malwarebytes requires OSX 10.8 or greater.

I did delete the user. I had a guest user that I deleted as well. I rebooted, and put in a new 2ndary user, the same problems occurred, This is something very strange. When you log into the 2ndary, things look fine, then start to get weird fast, the Finder crashes/blinks on/off, same with Safari, Sys Pref. -- all crash immediately, so i can't even open any anti-virus app

I recently downloaded a file from a malicious website by mistake. It had a trojan virus with the name as following :-Trojan.win32.ZapchastMy windows defender detected the threat and then quarantined it, I went to my threat protection history and then clicked on remove threat.Subsequently, when I open the threat protection history, the windows defender says that "the threat has been removed OR restored". I am unable to understand the meaning of the word restored. Has the Virus been removed or restored?I ran multiple scans from Windows defender and it does not defect any threats. I ran scans from Malware Fox, Malwarebytes and they haven't detected anything either. I am genuinely very scared. Can someone please tell me whether it would have been removed or is it still there? Should I call Dell Service provider?

I was indeed infected by this backdoor trojan... Norton indeed identified it as a powershell.exe and gives its full address in the description but it said it was located in DEVICES/HARDDISK3/SYSTEM/ etc. etc. and ended with powershell.exe. The problem is I have no HARDDISK 3 or any devices attached to my computer so it was obviously well embeded and hidden in my system somewhere and Norton was unable to remove it. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool did the trick. It identified the trojan as you can see by the screencapture as a powershell.exe as did Norton. Let it do its magic and finally got rid of this little bastard. Will update if it comes back and will be paying attention to what if any app or program I use when notifications begin just in case but everything appears solved as of now. I was afraid of having to reformat completely the computer before it was completely hacked and locked which was my biggest fear. Will update to let you guys now if it came back or not.

NOTE: Please see my comments about the Norton Power Eraser (NPE). The NPE is a very aggressive scanner and there is a warning on the NPE home page at that states in part "Because Norton Power Eraser is an aggressive virus removal tool, it may mark a legitimate program for removal..."


Dell Inspiron 5584 * 64-bit Win 10 Pro v21H2 build 19044.1889 * Firefox v104.0.0 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.2205.7-1.1.19500.2 * Malwarebytes Premium v4.5.13.208-1.0.1740 * Macrium Reflect Free v8.0.6867

The Symantec / Broadcom description for System Infected: Trojan.Backdoor Activity 690 is very generic and provides few details. This is just a guess on my part, but these Trojan.Backdoor Activity detections sometimes occur when you have unknowingly been infected with a cryptocurrency miner. I know that Norton Crypto supports Ethereum crypto mining but Norton should not be detecting it's own Ethereum crypto miner as a backdoor trojan unless something has gone wrong with their heuristic (behaviour-based) detection system. If you have Norton Crypto turned on just turn it off and see if that stops the "System Infected: Trojan.Backdoor Activity 690" blocks.

If you believe you have malware on your system that both Norton and Malwarebytes can't detect I would recommend you post in the Malwarebytes' Windows Malware Removal Help & Support board and ask one of their trained malware removal specialists to check your system. See the posting guidelines pinned that include instructions on how to collect and attach a Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) diagnostic logs to your initial post. You should only post in this forum if you have installed Malwarebytes and can provide a scan log to show that Malwarebytes was unable to detect and remove the "System Infected: Trojan.Backdoor Activity 690" threat.

There are other sites like BleepingComputer's Virus, Trojan, Spyware, and Malware Removal Help board that offer a free malware removal service from a trained specialist (see their posting guidelines pinned for collecting FRST diagnostic logs). Just note that if you decide to use one of these malware removal sites post in ONE SITE ONLY and follow all instructions until the malware removal specialist assigned to assist you confirms your system is free of malware. If they learn that you are cross-posting in multiple malware removal sites about the same problem your topic may be closed before they have finished diagnosing and cleaning your system.

I have used the Malwarebytes and BleepingComputer malware removals site on different occasions and service on both sites was excellent. In my experience the turnaround time to have your FRST diagnostic logs analyzed by a malware removal specialist is usually a bit faster on the Malwarebytes site so I usually post there.


Dell Inspiron 5584 * 64-bit Win 10 Pro v21H2 build 19044.1889 * Firefox v104.0.0 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.2205.7-1.1.19500.2 * Malwarebytes Premium v4.5.14.210-1.0.1751 * Macrium Reflect Free v8.0.6867 17dc91bb1f

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