Trans Support Summit and Gala, 2020

February 28-29

All events are for allies and community members of any gender identity or sexual orientation.

We have wonderful guests coming

Marketplace and Resource Fair

Get Your TICKETS!!!

Pictures from last years gala

Tristate Transgender

This event is for Transgender people, non binary folks and allies.

Transgender people transcended borders, races, cultures, genders, religions, politics, and class systems. The experience of being transgender can leave a person disappointed on Friday but hope filled Saturday. Buying the first dress or binder can be exhilarating one day and then mundane the next. It is a moving force bringing a spectrum light and understanding into a polarizing world.

The Tristate Transgender Support Summit conference and marketplace brings together a wide range of people interested in celebrating the lives of transgender people in eastern North Dakota, northern South Dakota, and rural northwest Minnesota. Our goal is to create dialog, to educate ourselves and our community, and to improve the lives of everyone connected to trans experience.

​This conference will include a variety of education and entertainment for everyone. Taking place in the winter of 2019, This summit is created to provide unique entertaining speakers, inspiring presenters, avant garde vendors from Entertainment, Activism, Politics, Medicine, Family Services and more. Fargo is a prime destination for a program like this. Attendees will be in an inter-sectional space while attending some of the most dynamic speakers, workshops, products and panel discussions in the Tristate area.

Feb 1st

Check In/ Dine-6:00 PM

Outlet: Spoken Word Poetry-7:00 PM

Comedian: Jan Syverson- 8:00 PM

Cocktails and Gaming-9:00 PM-Midnight

Feb 2nd

Market Place and Presentations : 10- 2 PM

*Key Note Speakers: 6-8

*Welcome and Gala Begins 8:00 PM

*Raffle and Dancing until midnight.

.* symbolizes paid tickets are needed for entry of the event.