Aric Odinson



Name: Aric Odinson

Nickname: n/a

Age: 25

Gender: male

weight: 225 lbs (102.06 kg)

height: 6′3″ (1.91 m)

Sexuality: bIsexual (Homoromantic)

Ethnicity: Scandinavian 

Place of birth: Kinsarvik, Norway

dorm: divum

Year In SCHOOL: 3 years







Face claim

Jensen Ackles


Aric gives an impression to all who meet him of total enigma and utter ominosity. Aric is something of a gruff and aloof sort of person when he's not with his immediate inner circle of friends (which he doesnt have). He doesn't tend to be outgoing and often seems to be wearing a frown, which doesn't help open conversations with strangers. He tends to cherish his privacy and doesn't appreciate people poking their noses into his personal life. He knows that a lot of what he's done is still wrong, but even so, he doesn't like to talk about it.

He is defined by several overpowering personality traits, some of which are at direct odds with one another. What bridges all of it is his confidence. Aric Odinson, just like his father, takes great pride in his ability to depend upon himself for just about anything, and never finds a situation too grim for hope. He's of the disposition to believe that anything can be overcome with sufficient know-how, and his wide variety of skills and resources only bolster this belief in himself. Nothing is ever impossible, and Aric has very little time for anyone who disagrees.

Aric has always been alone, no matter what family figures he had around him. Thus, it's only natural, that he'd grow up to be a bit of a loner. While he has no problem working with others or on a team, he tends to lean more toward the lone coyote lifestyle. Embracing this lifestyle to the fullest, Aric tries his hardest not to ask for help from anyone, choosing rather to do everything on his own. Aric will always be a loner, regardless of how he may act around others. It's just who he is.




Aric is currently more focused on discovering who he is than on knowing where he belongs in the overall scheme of things, but that doesn't mean he is without ambition. While Aric inherited many traits from his father, his thirst for knowledge was the one that stood out the most. He is a tireless seeker and imparter of wisdom but has little regard for societal ideals like justice, fairness, or adherence to the rule of law and custom. Despite his confidence and fearlessness, he harbors a concern that he might eventually become his father. A thought that still trouble him today.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus condimentum quam et sapien rutrum, sed pharetra ligula luctus. Vivamus maximus quam a lobortis tempor. Nunc sit amet sollicitudin lacus, vitae accumsan libero. Cras iaculis lacus mollis, elementum lacus eget, mollis ipsum. Pellentesque imperdiet risus elit, et sagittis lectus tempor volutpat. Nam ullamcorper, augue sit amet consectetur porta, lacus metus euismod orci, sit amet elementum lacus erat eu tellus. Aliquam leo dui, porttitor tincidunt lorem ac, rhoncus pharetra nisi. Aliquam imperdiet scelerisque libero eu pharetra. Nunc lobortis nunc libero, id cursus lorem ultricies sed. Quisque non pretium diam, quis laoreet nisi. Sed imperdiet ipsum vitae hendrerit euismod. Nulla sodales interdum elit vitae porta. Donec nisl lacus, sollicitudin nec libero in, consequat accumsan augue. Aenean vitae feugiat est, quis rutrum erat. Integer in imperdiet metus. 

Donec quis purus non neque lacinia vestibulum. Cras tristique volutpat tellus eu tincidunt. Praesent tempor sem sed ex tempus, vel blandit enim finibus. Vestibulum posuere urna et congue consectetur. Sed mollis purus lacus, a convallis ligula finibus sollicitudin. Suspendisse a hendrerit magna. Curabitur sollicitudin sagittis tellus, at iaculis orci elementum at. Nunc sed libero mi. Phasellus molestie, quam nec rhoncus luctus, leo ligula placerat arcu, luctus facilisis nisl ipsum at nunc.

Ut sit amet tincidunt libero. Aliquam viverra vitae sem dictum maximus. Nulla tempus est non ligula lacinia aliquet. Nullam non mattis quam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent ultricies aliquet lorem non tincidunt. Nunc eget finibus odio, sed malesuada odio. Pellentesque pulvinar posuere nisl eget ornare. Aliquam lobortis sagittis nibh, et pretium eros congue scelerisque. Praesent ut maximus neque. Aliquam a ex vehicula est mattis scelerisque. Mauris ac nunc eu tellus facilisis fermentum a eget lorem.

In id sapien vel est scelerisque scelerisque viverra at nibh. Integer ut diam quis dolor congue hendrerit sit amet sed eros. Quisque non lacinia lectus. Donec in pulvinar sem. Donec sit amet metus nisl. Vestibulum rutrum faucibus ultricies. Maecenas aliquam tortor sed metus porttitor, vitae mattis quam porta. Pellentesque id libero et leo pretium laoreet a vitae sapien. Nam eget efficitur urna. Sed feugiat massa sit amet vehicula interdum. Suspendisse sit amet rhoncus elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin vestibulum massa ex, et luctus orci tempor eu. Curabitur ut sodales libero. Quisque in elementum est. Morbi nec magna sit amet est convallis aliquet in vel ligula.

Ut sit amet nunc enim. Pellentesque massa dolor, sollicitudin a bibendum tincidunt, condimentum ac enim. Phasellus egestas commodo ex, vel iaculis ante ullamcorper malesuada. Ut malesuada eu lorem id efficitur. Nam nulla eros, tristique ac massa et, dignissim accumsan risus. Praesent nibh massa, elementum et venenatis at, efficitur non risus. Sed odio nisi, pharetra quis nulla vitae, venenatis sodales erat. Nam in tempor est, sit amet blandit mauris. Vestibulum blandit tincidunt lectus ut scelerisque. Aliquam eleifend nisl sed quam dapibus, at aliquet magna aliquet. Curabitur ornare nisi vel risus lacinia laoreet. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras accumsan purus non diam blandit ornare.



Demi-God Physiology - Aric possesses all of the various superhuman attributes common among Demigods. Aric possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, durability, and is extremely long-lived. However, as the son of a Sky-Father, these attributes are significantly superior to those possessed by your average demi-god.

Magic (Divine Theurgy) - Aric is a powerful magician, whom even before being taught by Huginn, was one of the most knowledgeable people in the field of mysticism and runes. Possessing enough skill and talent that his father eventually took notice. The nature of Aric's magic consists primarily of invocations meant to summon the powers of Norse Deities (and potentially other pantheons) to his command. Although he can cast spells normally by drawing upon more divine sources his craft is empowered when he reaffirms his spells with evoked divine power.

Mythic Summoning - Aric is capable of summoning mythological creatures from the Norse Myths (and potentially other myths).  These creatures includes beings such as Jörmungandr, Eikþyrnir, Duraþrór, Níðhöggr, Fenrisúlfr, Sköll  and Hati, etc. Aric accomplishes this by calling them forth from the realms they reside, but these can bring fought major consequences if he isn't carful and banishes them back to their respective places. However, he is currently limited in only summoning two creatures at once.


Combat Prowess - As the son of a God of War, Aric is an extremely fierce warrior, as well as a master of both armed and unarmed combat. Aric is able to perform combat maneuvers and other stunts much more proficiently than the average person. He would be able to use his combat skills for both offense and defense and would also be able to utilize high-level combat techniques that would give him an edge over other combatants. Because of this, his abilities extend to almost all forms of combat, including melee combat, like martial arts and swordplay, or ranged combat like archery or shooting. It doesn't only entail that Aric is proficient in combat, he also possesses extensive knowledge about the subject, allowing him to extend his combat prowess to day-to-day life outside fighting, such as teaching others or analyzing combat moves and learning them for himself.

Spear Proficiency - Aric is a master of wielding spears, which include its variations such as tridents, lances, and javelins. He is able to wield a spear with incredible proficiency in speed, power, and skill, allowing him to perform feats such as stopping and deflecting arrows, decimating large objects or areas, cutting through a solid material such as steel, and even hold back his strength to deal damage to his foes without killing them.

He is also able to operate with little or no effort, deliver skillful strikes to weak points with great precision and cut only and exactly what he wants. This skill also allows him to become naturally skilled with multiple spears regardless of shape or size to suit his needs in combat. 

Hunting Intuition - Aric possesses extraordinary mastery, talent and instinct in/for hunting all things. He can easily track almost anything under any conditions, automatically sense the weaknesses of his prey and exploit them to finally kill or capture his prey. He can easily and quickly forage for food in any circumstance, without any trouble. He can intuitively hunt by any means and in the most effective ways possible, use anything at hand to do so. He has an intuitive mastery of all associated hunting skills, perfectly applying all the right skill at the right time, granting him major leverage in any hunting and foraging situation. 


Fatal Flaw - Aric's pride is without a doubt his greatest and most fatal flaw, and it goes hand in hand with his reputation as the lone coyote. The relationship he has with the gods, which for the most part greatly influences how consistently his powers work, is strained because he believes he is superior than most people and independent of any assistance or assisting others. He doesn't like to admit that he even needs help sometimes, especially since he's been alone his entire life and made it through a helluva lot without assistance. His pride is what gets him into trouble quite often and it's not until things are dreadfully in danger of going bad does he break down and get the help that he needs, which by then would be too late. 

Handicap - Aric has lost his right arm and sight while mastering ancient magic during his time spent in the wilderness. While neither his vision nor his mobility are affected, he gains an advantage in intimidation because of this (But a reduction in social skills unfortunately)

Limitation(s) - When Aric invokes a god or goddess for power, he must wait a 30 second period to "rest" before he casts again, this hinders him from spam casting during a battle and allows an opponent open opportunities against him. 

It should go without saying that the following restriction prohibits him from manipulating ice if he invokes a fire god. Aric becomes sensitive to the opposite concept when they invoke the same deity, therefore if they invoke a fire deity, he becomes prone to ice/water assaults.

Weakness(es) - Aric depends on the deities he invokes, likely these can count as weaknesses as he needs to avoid angering the same entities that grants him power when he calls upon them for power. 

Similar to Newton's Third Law, which maintains that there is an equal and opposite response to every action (force) in nature, employing divine power results in some type of feedback for the user. That is also how Aric's power works; so when he invokes Thor's lightning, it first passes through him. He feels out of breath if he uses air. He feels heavy and worn out if he utilizes earth. This is due to the fact that he is employing divine power fit for a deity, especially a complete god and not a half-god.

Aric's Achilles heel is his weakness to Force. As is the case from here on out, Physical damage has better scaling than Magic on him, so bringing brawlers to the fight instead of magic users is viable when going against him.




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