This guide will give you some key tips, links, and tools to help you "Plan like a Ranger" for your national park adventure! Having a plan will help you avoid common mistakes that can affect your visit and even lead to injury.

The Trip Planning Guide is meant for day or overnight trips to a park.If you are planning a multi-day trip, especially to backcountry areas, additional planning steps will be required and are beyond the scope of this guide.

Continue reading to learn how you can get the most out of your visit to a park. On this page, you'll also be able to:

Sometimes things don't go as planned. The weather forecast changes. Parking lots are full. Areas in the park close. You forget to pack an essential gear for the activity. Or you just simply don't feel up to the activity you planned. Choose a backup activity that will allow you to enjoy the park and not cancel the trip altogether. 

Note: Indoor activities are great backup plan options such as: park museums, historical buildings, and interpretive exhibits. They involve light physical activity and require no special gear.



The 10 Essentials are a collection of first aid and emergency items that can help you in the event of minor injuries, sudden weather changes, or unexpected delays.Your cell phone is not a substitute for any of the 10 essentials. You may not have service in the park and the battery may not last the whole trip. 

Customize the 10 Essentials to your trip! You may need to pack additional items like medication, bug repellant, hiking boots, a life jacket, or a helmet. Consider packing a whistle for yourself and each person, especially if you are traveling with kids. If someone becomes lost, blowing a whistle can help search parties find them. Make sure that you can use your equipment properly and it works or fits correctly. 

Note: The NPS app has park maps that can be downloaded for offline use. Always carry a backup paper map. Your phone battery may not last the whole trip and you could damage or lose your phone.

Unlike other travel apps, TripIt can organize your travel plans no matter where you book. Simply forward your confirmation emails to and in a matter of seconds, TripIt will create a comprehensive itinerary for every trip.

Yellow and green taxi trip records include fields capturing pick-up and drop-off dates/times, pick-up and drop-off locations, trip distances, itemized fares, rate types, payment types, and driver-reported passenger counts. The data used in the attached datasets were collected and provided to the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) by technology providers authorized under the Taxicab & Livery Passenger Enhancement Programs (TPEP/LPEP). The trip data was not created by the TLC, and TLC makes no representations as to the accuracy of these data.

Due to COVID-19 and its impact on the daily operations of small businesses, TLC granted smaller bases an extension on trip record submissions. Trip and trip-related data for these bases will be updated as it becomes available.

Vessels that only possess an American Lobster and no other GARFO-issued permit are exempt from VTR reporting requirements. See Vessel Trip Reporting Requirement by Permit Type table below for trip report details for each permit.

Refer to the permits list below to see if you have vessel trip reporting requirements for any permits you possess. If you have any of the permits below you must submit trip reports for all trips taken, regardless of targeted species or waters fished. Most of the permits have eVTR requirements.

Trip updates represent fluctuations in the timetable. We would expect to receivetrip updates for all trips you have scheduled that are realtime-capable. Theseupdates would give a predicted arrival or departure time for stops along theroute. Trip updates can also provide for more complex scenarios where trips arecanceled or added to the schedule, or even re-routed.

There should be at most one trip update for each scheduled trip. In casethere is no trip update for a scheduled trip, it will be concluded that norealtime data is available for the trip. The data consumer should not assumethat the trip is running on time.

A trip update consists of one or more updates to vehicle stop times, which arereferred to asStopTimeUpdatemessages. These can be supplied for past and future stop times. You are allowed,but not required, to drop past stop times. Producers should not drop a pastStopTimeUpdate if it refers to a stop with a scheduled arrival time in thefuture for the given trip (i.e. the vehicle has passed the stop ahead ofschedule), as otherwise it will be concluded that there is no update for thisstop.

Each StopTimeUpdateis linked to a stop. Ordinarily this can be done using either a GTFSstop_sequence or a GTFS stop_id. However, in the case you are providing anupdate for a trip without a GTFS trip_id, you must specify stop_id asstop_sequence has no value. The stop_id must still reference a stop_id inGTFS. If the same stop_id is visited more than once in a trip, thenstop_sequence should be provided in all StopTimeUpdate messages for thatstop_id on that trip.

The update can provide a exact timing for arrival and/or departure at astop inStopTimeUpdateusing StopTimeEvent.This should contain either an absolute time or a delay (i.e. an offsetfrom the scheduled time in seconds). The delay field can only be used in casethe trip update refers to a scheduled GTFS trip, as opposed to a frequency-basedtrip. In this case, time should be equal to scheduled time + delay. You may alsospecify uncertainty of the prediction along withStopTimeEvent,which is discussed in more detail in section Uncertainty furtherdown the page.

For each StopTimeUpdate,the default schedule relationship is scheduled. (Note that this is differentfrom the schedule relationship for the trip). You may change this to skippedif the stop will not be stopped at, or no data if you only have realtimedata for some of the trip.

If one or more stops are missing along the trip the update is propagated to allsubsequent stops. This means that updating a stop time for a certain stop willchange all subsequent stops in the absence of any other information.

For systems using repeated trip_id values, for example trips modeled usingfrequencies.txt, that is frequency-based trips, the trip_id is not in itselfa unique identifier of a single journey, as it lacks a specific time component.In order to uniquely identify such trips within a TripDescriptor, a triple ofidentifiers must be provided:

Providing employees with free parking for their private vehicles can be a large company expense and a surprising source of strife if demand outstrips supply. Offering free parking also actively discourages employees from alternative commuting modes. Even charging for parking spaces can end up encouraging people to drive to work more often!

 Ride On' New Trip Planner app is available as a mobile version and a desktop/laptop version. 

* Bus ridership is also included in this application, so you can decide if you want to ride the coming bus, wait for another, or choose another transit option. 


 The Ride On Real Time web-based application has trip planning capability such as stop times by route or stop number on the application. 

* Get real time updates on all bus stops, bus routes, bus locations, and estimated bus time with Ride On Real Time. Click here for more information: Ride On Realtime Predictions - Montgomery County, Maryland 


Ride On's System Map shows Ride On service, and other Montgomery County transportation including Metrorail, Metrobus, MARC commuter rail, and MTA commuter bus service.

These tools are constantly being improved and may not always provide the best solution for your trip. You may prefer to contact the MC311 Information Center for additional assistance by dialing 311 within Montgomery County or 240-777-0311 from outside the County.

Google Maps now includes Ride On transit route and schedule information. Use Google maps as you normally would but select "By Public Transit" to use public transportation for your trip. You can also select a future date and time by clicking the "Show options" button. Metro service is also available on Google Maps so your trip planning request will show connecting Metrobus or Metrorail service.

Not sure what to do when you visit? Try our trip planner so you can get the most out of your visit to the Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center! Simply fill out the form below then a personalized itinerary will be created for you. And if you want to save it, just add your name and email so a copy will be sent directly to your inbox.

Below are top recommendations on how to make the most out of a trip to Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. These are only suggestions based on the interests below, and the attractions are not listed in a particular order.

From 1978 -1993, North Carolina commercial fisheries landings statistics were collected on a voluntary basis through the National Marine Fisheries Service/North Carolina Cooperative Statistics Program. The growing need for more detailed and timely harvest data led the N.C. General Assembly to mandate trip-level reporting of commercial fisheries landings for all state-licensed fish dealers in 1994.

Since that time, the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries Trip Ticket Program has grown into one of the leading fisheries data collection programs in the country. In fact, many other states have modeled their trip ticket systems after the North Carolina program.

A trip ticket is the form used by fish dealers to report commercial landings information. Trip tickets collect information about the fisherman, the dealer purchasing the product, the transaction date, the number of crew, area fished, gear used and the quantity of each species landed for each trip. Some trip tickets also collect the species of shrimp landed and disposition (heads on/off), the state of catch, bottom type (public or leased) and lease number. Each month, dealers are required to send these forms to the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries for processing. Data gathered from trip tickets help fisheries managers and the commercial fishing industry ensure North Carolina's marine resources remain well-managed and abundant. ff782bc1db

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