A 3-fold seminar in Trieste

Organisers:  Danilo Lewański (UniTS), Yulieth Prieto-Montañez (ICTP), Andrea Ricolfi (SISSA), Shubham Sinha (ICTP)

roughly once a month


FOMO on great Geometry talks in Trieste? Fear no more, TRINO Seminar got you covered.

Copyright ©Alejandra Rincón

Upcoming talks:

Venue: Thu, June 20, 15h00. ICTP.

Title:  Enriques varieties 

Abstract: In this talk, we aim to address the question: What is the higher-dimensional analogue of Enriques surfaces? We will introduce the class of Enriques varieties and outline their fundamental properties, including stability under the minimal model program and the termination of flips. Additionally, we will present several illustrative examples of Enriques varieties. Joint ongoing work with F. Denisi, N. Tsakanikas and Z. Xie.