
Trinity Church

Welcome to Trinity Church! Our parish life is characterized by the following:

A Brief History

Trinity Church was established as a mission parish of the Diocese of Mid-America of the Reformed Episcopal Church in November 2000. The Trinity congregation began as a non-denominational church in 1990 and soon recognized a need to work within a larger association of churches. The congregation began an extensive search for a place to affiliate. As the search progressed, the church grew in its appreciation for liturgy, the sacraments, the historic church, the early Church Fathers, and episcopal government. This led them to the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC) because of the REC's strong emphasis in these areas. 

Our Parish Leadership

Fr. Jeff Hubbard serves as Rector (Senior Pastor) of Trinity Church. As shepherd of our flock, he leads us in worship, teaches us the Christian faith, preaches the Gospel, administers the sacraments, and provides pastoral care to our parish. Originally from the Detroit area, Fr. Jeff was educated at Oral Roberts University (B.A., Biblical Studies) and Duke University Divinity School (M.Div.). He worked in parish ministry in southeast Michigan for nine years prior to arriving at Trinity. His wife, Jodi, is an alumna of Hillsdale College, accomplished artist, classical educator, and homemaker. Together with their daughter, they enjoy reading, the arts, and visiting museums and historic sites. 

Deaconess Michelle Caldwell serves Trinity Church in a variety of ways. She is often coordinator of fellowship meals and is instrumental in hosting REC events at Trinity. In addition, Dss. Caldwell teaches at Dominion Academy and serves as Dominion's Headmaster.

Mark Buchheit serves as Trinity Church's Senior Warden. Mark and his family have been members of Trinity since 2013. As Senior Warden, Mark primarily takes care of the needs of the congregation and rector. Other tasks include managing the financial reporting needs of maintaining a healthy church, taking leadership of projects, as the need arises, and leading the vestry to manage the business affairs of the church. Outside of church life, Mark appreciates the opportunity to be a Christian husband and father. Mark's secular responsibilities include being a Sales Director at a large software development company.

Mary Bailey serves as Trinity Church's administrative secretary. In this role, Mary plays a critical role in ensuring that the bills get paid, the bulletins get created/printed as well as the church directory remains current. Mary is one of our earliest members of Trinity Church having joined in 1990. Mary is an active member of our congregation including active participation in the Women's group and other ministries including: lectoring, altar guild, and greeting. Mary also serves as a member of the REC Committee on Women's Ministry as a representative for our diocese.

Our Diocese and Our Bishop

Trinity is part of the Diocese of Central States, which was established in 2008.

The Rt. Rev. Peter Manto is Bishop Ordinary of the REC's Diocese of Central States. Bp. Manto has been a parish pastor for over 40 years. He was the church planter for the non-denominational church which became Trinity Church and guided its move into the Reformed Episcopal Church. Bp. Manto has been married to his wife Janice for over forty years. They have four adult children and thirteen grandchildren.