Feb.9th Jesus Calms the Storm

Lesson: Jesus Calms the Storm

What storms do you remember?

Have you ever been in a scary storm? I have been in a few. Once when my son was only two we were stuck in a museum washroom during a very intense storm. Others in the building were sheltering in place, but it wasn't safe for us to leave and join them. The wind wailed. The rain lashed the window. My son asked me, "Mommy, are there dinosuars walking outside ?" He was little enough that he imagined dinosuars stomping instead of wind and he wasn't scared. Oddly enough, I wasn't scared either. Sometimes in really scary situations where you know that there is nothing you can do, you call on God. I knew that whatever happened, God was with us. I had a feeling of peace even though nothing around me was peaceful.

Once the storm was over and we could leave our small room, we saw that the hallway was flooded with ankle deep water and the roof was off in many sections of the buildling. After the building was secured, police officers and museum staff escorted us outside. Tall hydro poles had been knocked down like the were toys.

Several years later my son and I were in the car on the way to his swimming lesson. We were caught as a tornado passed over us. The sky went from being a sickly green to black. The wind was so strong that trees were bending onto the road and we had to drive over small branches and swerve to avoid big ones. When we reached the town, the power was out everywhere and we could hear sirens wailing. We made it to the pool and sheltered with others until it was safe. There were no swimming lessons that day. Just like the first time we were caught in a storm, we found ourselves moving from fear to peace.

Sometimes storms are real - like those two and the one in our video. Other times a "storm" might just mean a difficult time in our life. For many people, the pandemic is one of life's storms. It is scary for those who are without jobs, those who are sick or those who are the essential workers. Maybe it's scary for you - either because you have to wear a mask to school and learn in a new way or because you are at home learning virtually and you miss your friends.

Like the children in the story today, we don't always know what to do during a storm. Sometimes it takes us a while to gather ourselves together. Sometimes we have to rely on others to help us through the storm. No matter what though, we know that God is with us.


Dear God, help us when our lives are stormy. Help us when we are afraid of the storms. Help us when we face real storms with thunder & lightening or with snow. Help us when we face the other kind of storm when there are challenges in life. Be with us always. Amen.

Bible Reading: Mark 4:35-41

Jesus Stills a Storm (NRSV)

35 On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” 36 And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. Other boats were with him. 37 A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. 38 But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” 39 He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. 40 He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” 41 And they were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”

Songs About Jesus Calming the Storm

Never Let Go of Me

Praise You in This Storm

My Lighthouse

The Storm is Passing Over

This gospel hymn is sung by a children's choir from. Boston. The storm they are singing about if COVID. Sometimes the storms we face in life are weather. Other times a storm can be any struggle we face in life.

Rain Down

Trinity Choir

Eternal Father Strong to Save

This is the official hymn of the navy in many countries around the world because it remembers people who risk their lives at sea in order to help others.

Stories About Jesus Calming the Storm

Jesus Calms the Storm

What Is a Thunderstorm?

Peep and the Big Wide World: Stormy Weather

Children talk about Jesus Calming the Storm

Crafts and Activities About Jesus Calming the Storm

Jesus Calms the Storm Worship Bulletins.pdf

Jesus Calms the Storm Activity Pages

Jesus Calms the Storm Coloring Page.pdf

Jesus Calms the Storm Colouring Page

A Storm Activity Page.pdf

A Storm: Colouring Page & Activity

Make a storm in a water bottle to help you remember that Jesus is with you in life's storms.

Some questions about the video ...

Stories for Older Kids: More Storms

Whirl Kids: Alternate Storm Story for older kids

The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald: A Canadian storm and remembering the families. For people who work on the sea, Jesus' story is very meaningful. This song is about a famous Canadian shipwreck that happened in 1975. It is still remembered.

The Pandemic as a storm. Kids Reflections on COVID: How kids are coping. Remember: you are not alone. Even though you can't see us, your Trinity family is still here. You can reach out to the church by e mail or phone if you need us.

COVID Safety Tips for Kids: You can help keep yourselves and family safe.

My Lighthouse 2