R: When Scriptcase9 be released, we are going to offer 2 types of licensing: annual licenses with expire date for a lower cost; and perpetual licenses without expire date (just annual updates renewal).

i have an old application lets name it officemanager made with scriptcase 9 that is working on a host server with php 7.3 but now i upgraded my hosting php to 8,1and that application (officemanager) that was builded with SC( 7.3 dont work anymore

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This is the issue that I have with ScriptCase - where is this officially documented ? It certainly is not documented in the help or any other document I have downloaded from NetMake.

If there is another source of information save an except for going through the generated code, please tell us.

[QUOTE=Sean H.;34195]This is the issue that I have with ScriptCase - where is this officially documented ? It certainly is not documented in the help or any other document I have downloaded from NetMake.

If there is another source of information save an except for going through the generated code, please tell us.

The software facilitates development with JavaScript and allows to create applications with AJAX through a set of features and services, such as navigation between pages or sections, or automatic validation of fields.

Report output can be exported to MS Word, MS Excel, PDF or printed. Complex SQL statements can be used like sub-selects, joins and stored procedures. Scriptcase allows users to write PHP code to handle exceptions and create more complex validation. It is also possible to create infrastructure such as menus, login screens and a security system with authentication. Tabs in forms allow to group form pages or queries on the same page. The package also includes a documentation generator that can integrate the developer team.

At this point, it is clear what caused the issue. When the user requests to export a grid to PDF, Scriptcase first generates the corresponding HTML document for the grid, then executes pd4ml.jar with the help of Java to convert the HTML file to PDF. The conversion failed simply because Java was not installed on the server.

To fix this, we need to install Java. Take note that the following command is just an example, you might need to customize it based on your further needs, for example which version of Java needs to be installed and whether you will just need the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or the full development kit (JDK). In our case, just the JRE is needed to execute the Scriptcase jar program. We proceed by installing the default Java package that comes with the OS:

In this case, we will show the conversion of Scriptcase 8 projects, installed on a machine with MacOS and using MYSQL, with the Scriptcase 9 installed on the same machine and using the SQLite database.

1. If your Scriptcase 8 is installed on a server (machine) other than your v9, you need to copy the scriptcase 8 folder to the server where Scriptcase 9 is installed. The Scriptcase 8 folder can be anywhere in the same Scriptcase 9 machine.

The program was created by ScriptCase Team and has been updated on June 8, 2018.It is a big program (364434680 bytes) and will need a lot of space on your hard drive compared with the rest of the products listed in Miscellaneous.

The CASE expression evaluates its conditions sequentially and stops with the first condition whose condition is satisfied. In some situations, an expression is evaluated before a CASE expression receives the results of the expression as its input. Errors in evaluating these expressions are possible. Aggregate expressions that appear in WHEN arguments to a CASE expression are evaluated first, then provided to the CASE expression. For example, the following query produces a divide by zero error when producing the value of the MAX aggregate. This occurs prior to evaluating the CASE expression.

The following example uses the CASE expression in an UPDATE statement to determine the value that is set for the column VacationHours for employees with SalariedFlag set to 0. When subtracting 10 hours from VacationHours results in a negative value, VacationHours is increased by 40 hours; otherwise, VacationHours is increased by 20 hours. The OUTPUT clause is used to display the before and after vacation values.

The following example uses the CASE expression in a HAVING clause to restrict the rows returned by the SELECT statement. The statement returns the hourly rate for each job title in the HumanResources.Employee table. The HAVING clause restricts the titles to those that are held by salaried employees with a maximum pay rate greater than 40 dollars, or non-salaried employees with a maximum pay rate greater than 15 dollars.

The following example uses the CASE expression in an UPDATE statement to determine the value that is set for the column VacationHours for employees with SalariedFlag set to 0. When subtracting 10 hours from VacationHours results in a negative value, VacationHours is increased by 40 hours; otherwise, VacationHours is increased by 20 hours.

Coding with the purpose of accomplishing a particular task can be done either manually, or in certain cases, through the use a generator. Creating code manually can be time-consuming and result in errors. When a good generator is being used, the code can be created in minutes, and you can be near certain that it will run as intended.

As with most coding software, there is a range of options available to you. Along with free and paid PHP code generators, there are also basic and complex generators. There are a number of very good free code generators that will allow you to do things like create basic PHP code for connecting to and editing MySQL databases. If you need something complex, paid generators are available that allow you to create applications, generate web forms, and produce graphs and charts.

However, if you intend to use the generator to create advanced forms, manage complex databases or export data to different file types, you're going to probably need to spend some money. Additionally, many free generators will only work with MySQL databases, so you can expect to have to purchase a generator if you're interested in using Oracle, Access or other types of databases.

Additional considerations are if you want your code generator to handle design aspects of your applications. While you can always deal with the layout after the code has been generated, you may find it beneficial and time-saving to have a generator that handles everything at once. If you're just going to be creating intranet applications for business use, you may not be too concerned about how they look.

This PHP code generator is both responsive and web-based, so you can generate code from a PC or smartphone browser. If you're new to generators or PHP, this is a good tool to start with, and the site features a number of examples and tutorials on how to use the code generator.

With Scriptcase, you can build complete systems and generate forms and reports. It is a web-based tool, meaning that you can use it through a browser, and it allows more than one user to access a project at a time if you purchase the enterprise edition. As with most other premium PHP code generators, Scriptcase works with a wide range of databases, including MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQL Server databases.

The ability to have multiple people working on projects as well as to use multiple databases makes this PHP code generator a great choice for a business environment. It also allows you to take advantage of a number of features that may be beneficial for websites, such as integration with Google Maps and YouTube, so it is an excellent choice for in-house database management as well as for generating code for a website.

PHPRunner uses wizards for creating a number of database driven applications, including forms, grids, reports and charts. It uses a templating engine and allows more than one person to work on the same project. As with most other generators, it supports a variety of database types, including MySQL, MS SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, just to name a few.

The generator comes with a variety of templates in a range of themes and color schemes, and you can customize them. Application templates include pre-designed shopping carts, calendars and knowledge bases. Each template comes with both a graphical interface and database structure, and you have the ability to change the appearance of applications using either a WYSIWYG visual editor or by editing CSS style sheets.

PHP Generator is a code generator that allows you to create scripts that enable you to work with tables through a web-based platform. The code generated by the tool allows you to navigate, edit, sort, filter and export data from MySQL databases. It comes with 25 templates that you can customize, and you are able to set the header and footer for all of your web pages.

The paid version of the software allows you to use the responsive version of the tool, which works on just about any device or browser, and it lets you take advantage of record-level security as well as table-based and database user authentication. Your ability to manipulate data is also much more robust with the paid version. It allows you to export data to PDF, XML, CVS, Excel, and Word formats, delete and compare multiple records and use extended filtering.

However, nesting these structures is not recommended from a performance perspective.When possible, it is typically more optimal to compose a single if statement withmultiple logical operators rather than several nested if blocks:

I am running on a newer version of PHP, and with the depreciation of mime_content_type after loading a Github PHP script with two sections of this in it, I was wondering if someone might be able to help with what I can replace it with? 589ccfa754

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