How To Make Blood Draw More Comfortable?

A blood testing procedure is widely adopted as a means to test the state of various bodily functions and help detect any abnormalities that require further probing. Although a quick and straightforward procedure, getting blood drawn can be nerve-wrecking for some. Whether you’re gripped by a sudden fear of needles on the spot or feel lightheaded after the experience of blood sample collection from your home in Chandigarh, some tips are outlined below to help you prepare better for the task ahead.

Hydrate Well

Drinking plenty of water before a blood draw helps make your veins plumper and easier to find. This way, you won’t have to spend much time in the chair as the phlebotomist will navigate the veins and puncture them quickly. Also, the best-case scenario would be to start drinking your water a day before. There’s no too much or too little; keep your regular intake of 2-3 litres in mind and follow suit.

Healthy Greens

Like hydration, a nutritious meal before a blood draw will help your body fight the weakness and keep you strong while jumping in quickly to regenerate the blood. However, if you’re told to fast before the blood draw, apply the same rule of hydration - eat healthy full meals the day before, or you can choose to have a late dinner to help your body sustain the energy needed through the morning of blood collection.

Know Thyself

It’s often advised to be completely transparent with your doctor, and the same applies to your phlebotomist. If you’ve had a bad experience during this process before, or are prone to fainting, tell your technician before they prepare the equipment so they can assist you accordingly. It’s been found that listening to music helps to stay calm. So, plug in your favorite tunes, take deep breaths and look away if you need to. Additionally, people who’re afraid of fainting should choose their seating carefully. It’ll help immensely if you’re opting for a free home blood sample collection in Chandigarh, as being in the comfort of your home can keep you calm, and a family member can sit with you in your favorite armchair.

Essentially, the process of blood draw is quick and simple. And with the right blood sample collection team of lab technicians, you’ll be well taken care of. So, book a free blood sample collection with Tricity Healthcare and get comprehensive screening packages of diagnostics and ultrasound in Panchkula, Chandigarh, and Mohali. Phone us for a free home visit!