News and updates

Papers, talks and seminars given by Leonid Kulikov (University of Pavia, Department of Humanities, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics), Principal investigator in the framework of the TRIA project:

2017, 10 March: Belgian Indology Day, Ghent University (paper: Kulikov, L. “Who spoke Pāṇinian Sanskrit and when? Language vs. grammatical tradition in Ancient India (Evidence from the history of some late Sanskrit verbal forms)”)

2017, 16 May: 33rd South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable (SALA-33), Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (paper: Kulikov, L. “Labile verbs in Old Indo-Aryan: their origin, decline and fall (A typological perspective)”)

2017, 12 October: Joint meeting (Tagung) of the Indogermanische Gesellschaft and Società Italiana di Glottologia, Università degli Studi di Verona (paper: Kulikov, L. “East vs. West: Indo-Iranian and Indo-European syntax in a diachronic typological perspective (Encoding of transitivity oppositions and valency-changing categories as morphosyntactic isogloss)”)