Tri-County Overdose Prevention Partnership

About and Goals

The Tri-County Overdose Prevention Partnership is a community-based partnership of public and private partners working collaboratively to address prescription drug misuse and overdose deaths in Adams, Arapahoe, and Douglas Counties. Our goals are three-fold:

  1. Prevent overdose deaths.
  2. Increase awareness and education about factors leading to and preventing death.
  3. Work with communities to increase engagement and responsiveness.


The Arapahoe County Opioid Task Force formed in 2013, and the Adams County Opioid Prevention Group formed in late 2015. Each was initiated by individuals who had lost loved ones to an opioid overdose, and both have been championed by County Commissioner supporters. In early 2016, leadership from both groups met to discuss shared objectives and learning opportunities; they then decided to form one group collaboratively addressing both Counties. Tri-County Health Department (TCHD) was asked to convene and facilitate the group.

This joint group first met in May 2016. Since that time, participants have expanded the geographic reach to include Douglas County, chosen a name (Tri-County Overdose Prevention Partnership or TCOPP), and established goals. Membership has greatly increased, primarily through word-of-mouth and partners recruiting partners. Though facilitated by TCHD, TCOPP is owned and led by the community. Work groups set their own priorities and activities. Decisions are made by group discussion and consensus.

TCOPP Framework

Substance Abuse in Tri-County Area

For more data and information on substance abuse in the Tri-County Area, visit the Substance Abuse dashboard.