
Download a copy of my full CV here.

Journal Articles.

Brown, Trevor, and Suzanne Mettler.  “Rural Politics in the United States.” Annual Review of Political Science. (accepted with revisions) 

Brown, Trevor.  Forthcoming. "Cross-Domain Policy Feedback: The Institutionalization of Collective Bargaining Rights for Health Care Workers." Journal of Policy History

Perera, Isabel M., and Trevor Brown. Forthcoming. "Why States Do and Do Not Privatize: Cross-Class Coalitions in the Public Sector."  World Politics.

Brown, Trevor, Gisela Pedroza Jauregui, Suzanne Mettler, and Marissa Rivera. 2024. “A Rural-Urban Political Divide Among Whom? Race, Ethnicity, and Political Behavior Across Place.” Politics, Groups, and Identities. 

Brown, Trevor, and Suzanne Mettler. 2023.  "Sequential Polarization: The Development of the Rural-Urban Political Divide, 1976–2020." Perspectives on Politics. 

Mettler, Suzanne, and Trevor Brown. 2022. “The Growing Rural-Urban Political Divide and Democratic Vulnerability.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 699, no. 1: 130–142.

Brown, Trevor, Suzanne Mettler, and Samantha Puzzi. 2021.  "When Rural and Urban Become 'Us' versus 'Them': How a Growing Divide is Reshaping American Politics." The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics. 

Scholarly Book Reviews & Essays.

Brown, Trevor. 2024. "The New Politics (and Political Science) of Workers’ Rights?: A Review Essay."  Political Science Quarterly.

Brown, Trevor. 2022.  "Book Review: Automation Anxiety: Why and How to Save Work, by Cynthia Estlund." ILR Review (March). 

Book Chapters. 

Brown, Trevor, and Suzanne Mettler. Forthcoming. “How the Transformation of the American Political Economy Spurred a Rural-Urban Political Divide.” In Free People, Free Markets: Can Democracy & Capitalism be Reconciled? Eds. Scott Miller and Sidney M. Milkis. Oxford University Press.

Selected Working Papers (drafts available upon request).

Brown, Trevor. "The Political Construction of Precarity: The Case of Home Care."  (job market paper)

Brown, Trevor.  “The Political Development of American Nursing, 1940–2019.”

Brown, Trevor. “Making the Private Public: The Commodification of Health Care Labor, 1940–1970."

Brown, Trevor, Danielle Thomsen, and Suzanne Mettler. "The Rural-Urban Political Divide in the US House, 19822020."

Other Writing.
Brown, Trevor. 2024. “The Distinctive Politics and Economics of the Health Care Workforce.” The American Political Economy Blog. 

Brown, Trevor, Gisela Pedroza Jauregui, Suzanne Mettler, and Marissa Rivera. 2024. “The Rural-Urban Political Divide is Mostly Driven by White Voters, and There are Fewer Divisions Over Policy than Many Think.” London School of Economics American Politics and Policy Blog. 

In Progress.
The Public-Private Workforce: How American Health Policy Creates Labor Market Inequalities, 1940–2019.

Polarized by Place: How the Rural-Urban Divide Emerged and Why it Threatens American Democracy, with Suzanne Mettler.

Other Research Experience.

Research Consultant, International Labor Organization. Summer 2021.