
A trepathon is a entrepreneurship competition. This is the first year for Volusia Schools to provide this opportunity for young visionaries grades 6-12 to present their innovative solution to solving a common problem through STEM.

Who can Participate

Any student enrolled in a Volusia County School grades 6-12.

How does a Trepathon Work:

Students will form teams among themselves OR be assigned to a team. Each team will brainstorm about common problems and develop a solution to solve the problem implementing a new and innovative approach. Students will be required to attend events on May 17th & 18th that will consists of workshops and design time to develop their project. Two of the workshops for the first day will be brainstorming and critical thinking. The second day teams may opt to attend a workshop or two to further advance them to developing a solution

Student Benefits

Offering students the opportunity to solve common problems increases their critical thinking skills which is 21st learning in a powerful way. Further students are motivated to collaborate with others to learn design thinking and present an idea that is tangible