Venue and traveling


Jahrhunderthaus, Bochum, Germany. [Google map]

Travel recommendations for rail passengers and public transport

Bochum Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) is served by ICE, IC, EC, regional and suburban trains at a high frequency. From there take the tram 302 in the direction of Gelsenkirchen-Buer or line 310 in the direction of Bochum-Höntrop. Get off at the stop "Bochumer Verein / Jahrhunderthalle". Then go up the stairs and you cannot miss the building. Note that the venue is Jahrhunderthaus, not Jahrhunderthalle.

Travel recommendations for car drivers

Motorists can also easily reach the Jahrhunderthaus via the dense network of motorways in Germany and especially in North Rhine-Westphalia. Coming from the A 40 motorway, please take the exit "Innenstadt West" and follow the signs "Bochum Zentrum / Innenstadt West".

You will automatically reach the intersection Wattenscheider Straße/Gahlensche Straße. Follow the car park symbol "Jahrhunderthalle". It's about a three-minute walk to the hall. Please program your navigation system for 'Gahlensche Straße 15, 44793 Bochum' or 'An der Jahrhunderthalle 1, 44793 Bochum'.

Travel recommendations for long-distance and air travelers

Four airports - Dortmund, Münster/Osnabrück, Cologne/Bonn and Düsseldorf - are within a reasonable distance of the Jahrhunderthaus. Düsseldorf Airport, however, is not only the largest, but also the most easily accessed: there are direct connections between the airport and Bochum's main train station up to eight times per hour, and the journey only takes a good half an hour.