
Abstracts of invited talks

Eduardo Barrio - Meta-classical Non-classical Logics

Massimiliano Carrara - A Topic Game Theoretical Semantic (TGTS) for PWK

Pablo Cobreros - Metainferences in Strong Kleene

Paul Egré - Tolerance and degrees of truth

Peter Jipsen - On equational bases for the benzene ortholattice and Płonka sums of generalized Boolean algebras

Tommaso Moraschini - Equational completeness theorems for logics of variable inclusion

Graham Priest - Cutting out the Liar

Anna Romanowska - Płonka sums and regularized quasivarieties

Abstracts of contributed talks

Aranda - Description operators, type theory and Kleene's strong connectives

Bonzio, Fano, Graziani - A logical modeling of severe ignorance via Bochvar external logic

Bonzio, Flaminio, Rosella - Towards a logico algebraic setting for counterfactual conditionals

Bruni, Rossi - Truth meets vagueness: Unifying the semantic and soritical paradoxes

Chajda, Länger, Paseka - Representability of Kleene posets and Kleene lattices

Ciuni - Assertion, consequence and connexive logic

Cobreros, La Rosa, Tranchini - First-order strict-tolerant duality

Da Ré, Szmuc, Corbalán - Non-reflexive nonsense

Dolores-Cuenca, Estrada-González - Genuinely non-reflexive logics

Flaminio, Ugolini - Lukasiewicz logic reasons about probability

Greati - Finite and analytic Hilbert-style systems for Paraconsistent Weak Kleene and Bochvar-Kleene logics

Iacona, Rossi - Naïve truth and the evidential conditional

Kubyshkina, Pereira, Petrolo - A logic for excusable ignorance

Lapenta - De Finetti exchangeability in non-classical logic

Marcelino - An effective approach to containment logics

Muravitsky - Lukasiewicz's L3 meets Kleene's K3

Mureşan - Subreducts and subvarieties of PBZ*-lattices

Omori, Arenhart - Making sense of mixed consequence relations

Omori, Arenhart - More on constructive nonsense logic

Pailos - How to model our epistemic commitments with mixed logics

Pavlović, Gratzl - Neutral free logic: motivation, proof theory and models

Pra Baldi - Logics of left variable inclusion associated with classical logic

Přenosil - Three- and four-valued logics of truth, non-falsity, and exact truth

Randriamahazaka - De Morgan-Płonka sums

Rivieccio - Representations of semi- and quasi-Kleene lattices

Romero-Rodríguez - Directions in Strong-Kleene disjoint logics

Stepanov - Continuation of the strong three-valued logic of Kleene (or LP) by means of dynamic approximation of self-referential sentences

Tabakci - Categoricity for strong Kleene logics