(my blog)


Wood and pulp that's created for meaningful purpose...hold the key to lasting as long as the Words printed on and in them; their Creator, He in us, us in Him, we relating to this whole "forrest primeval."-rav2018

creatio ex nehilo

"Created Out of nothing" we were made. From dust we were formed. Dust from Earth, Earth from God, God from Himself-Who was, is, and will ever be. Mind, heart, soul, out of His breath and virtue...though virtue was pushed aside as we were given choices to make, and make them, still making them, and-for now, continue to be given choices. Man, Woman, offspring, the processes of creation were put into motion by HIS purposes, patterns, and placements. Will was offered as a gift that could give back if we choose to do so. Even with those wonderful arrangements, and our awful choices we have chosen (Romans 3:23), we are given the roads to choose...and re-choose if allowed the time on this earth to make them. The paths are always clear, never gray...our choice is an open road, though maybe narrow versus wide, hard versus thoughtlessly easy...they are, nonetheless ours to make, and His to allow.-rav2018


If you were going over a cliff you would want to be stopped, wouldn't you?

Branch and vine!

HE is The Vine!


I AM The Water of LIFE! see Rev. 21:7, 22:1-17, John 4:9-15, Matthew 13:31-32



Create in me a clean heart...I invite You, Lord. Indwell in me by Your Holy Spirit. Create, out of the dirty dust of a heart, what You want to make NEW and usable, viable and an instrument for Your Glory.


Dipping into His well...what kind of life? Our lives really begin from the moment we take freely from The Water (Jesus Christ...John 4:10). His Water is sweet, pure, a drink that will quench every form of thirst that there is...His is a perfect water drawn from the Atmosphere of His breath, His Spirit that still fills our nostrils with His Divinity. Our vessels, though made imperfect by man's Adamic nature, need to be purged, recreated and daily filled, seeking after Him.


I pray The Lord, my soul to take. The journey may end for the here and now...but, get ready, that was only the start of an eternity of Goodness and blessing, and praises, forever. THAT IS,....IF we had made the choice to accept Christ in our hearts, repent from the way we were going, and follow HIM. There were many points in our lives' past where He provided OPPORTUNITIES to make a course correction. AND, as long as we take those opportunities and make a God-directed course correction, it is never too late! Go with God.


Mark shows us, in Mark 1:17-18, a little more insight into the thoughts of Christ as He was offering a role in Discipleship that involved a true sportsman's attitude. He said to follow Him...and He will make us TO BECOME fishers of others. He wasn't just "telling" us to do something that so many people do daily and get hooked into things that aren't productive/good for them. To "follow" someone/something is easy, these days. But there is a special promise by our Lord on what HE would provide to us in that endeavor.

I: .....Jesus, Himself has a vested interest (HE Loves us...died for us...gave us the free gift of eternal life, if we accept it)...He never pushes on us anything beyond what WE are WILLING to accept and do ( by following Him, His instructions, precepts, and entablement)...what a gift that is...

WILL: .....HIS DESIRE. What He wants is what He can provide for us, as our Creator ("WE" in Gen. 1:26 and others), Great Physician (who knows ALL about us-mind, soul, body), and by HIS Holy Spirit-advocate/counsellor/Great High Priest-before God The Father!

MAKE: .....as Creator, He is STILL Creating (see David's knowledge of this and his cry, "create IN me a clean Heart...renew a right spirit within me...")...and in Mark 1:17-18...make you...

YOU: .....specifically for us, as individuals living in the community of neighbours, family, friends...enemies...making us (giving us the tools, abilities, vision, insight, judgement, corrections...to BE AS HE wants (much better than our own "wants") and can be productive, fruit-bearing, the best that we can be.

TO BECOME: .....a PROCESS, and a CRISIS, as we accept what The Holy Spirit can do within us, to affect WHO we are and what we can be enabled to do BY HIS POWER and might, strength, and Will.

FISHERS: .....Fishing, as Jesus teaches us, to be fruit-bearers, not holding back, with our own TESTIMONIES as to how GREAT HE IS to equip us to be free to share with the WHOLE world what we have experienced and how others, also, CAN BE FREE TO EXPERIENCE that LOVE of God and freedom last will last on into ETERNITY!

OF MEN (OTHER PEOPLE LIKE YOU): .....Whether "others" are friends, family, or even our enemies...so much of the "world" around us are lost and dying. We have the Key to Life...in CHRIST...that can build nations of peoples into Christ's NATION of people...a viable and eternal Church...congregation of Believers that will FISH ON!!

So, read The Word, start in John and Romans, Acts and Philippians, Galations and Psalms...the WHOLE of the Old and New Testaments, to see God's own Word revealed in a SCARLET THREAD woven throughout...it's a great FISHING EXPEDITION that will enhance everything you say and do, DAILY!


Easter time isn't the only season to think about the lifted-up Savoir, on the cross. As we experience the rest of the year...let's continue to "BEHOLD THE LAMB"...to really "BEHOLD" The Lamb... Who IS this Savoir that provides a path way to corrected...right-living IN Him...a provided righteousness of a purified heart, pure in quality and quantify-ably bettered daily through His enablement? As we behold the day, at the start or at the end...let's think about (behold) what we did with His directions...with His quality of purity that CAN be applied to our own lives. He provided that from the cross...AND, by His Holy Spirit living IN our hearts. The request is all that is needed. Lord, FILL us to overflowing, DAILY, enabling, giving us the ability to face every circumstance by His strength and provisions. Let the WORLD all around us "behold THE LAMB" by every thought, word, deed and intentions of our hearts, at every moment, as WE "behold The Lamb."-Blessings!


From the CROSS of sacrifice and atonement for the world, Jesus asks God to FORGIVE THEM because they didn't "know" (impact, root causes, nature of, depth of harm to all, ...etc.) what they were doing to be the ones (the whole world) who placed HIM there...not one group, or one time...ALL of humanity, inclusive of all time! And, yet HE forgave us for our sinfulness (Rom.3:23). Forgave AS he was being drained of his humanity...albeit a pure man, yet 100% MAN and 100% God. The spotless Lamb OF God...God's Son...who could call down all power in Heaven to immediately destroy all mankind...He FORGAVE...of HIS own will...the same will that said a few hours earlier, to God, to take this "cup--of the experience of the crucifixion" from Him, if it were God's will...but, continued on to SHOW US God's will, of the system of atonement for our sins through Christ's shed blood FOR us...THAT is real FORGIVENESS. Wouldn't it be a shame if we rejected that GIFT, that GIVER, for the sake of selfishness and a Hellfire-eternal-forever-experiencing-ending? Yes, that was a run-on sentence...but all-inclusive of what took place! FATHER, FORGIVE THEM.... With HIS forgiveness comes NEW LIFE for the receiver of that Gift...and the ABILITY to forgive others, as He forgave us. Is that something that you want? YOU CAN walk in NEWNESS of LIFE and that kind of revelatory forgiveness, RIGHT NOW! It isn't contingent on anything else happening, other than repentance, and acceptance of a replacement (of His life's sacrifice for ours). Revival, relief, and restoration follows on the heels of that!


Take the symbols that are given worldly meaning and consider the way you can USE them to provide a LIFE-GIVING message this coming remembrance of the Advent of Christ into the world, two-thousand years ago. For instance:


GREEN has always represented growth, life, and especially the "evergreen" tree. ....

A Sunday School Lesson project (a work in progress) to be presented in the Adult Class on 11/25/18-12/30/18

ADVENT Class Lessons (6 for 5 Sunday Sessions)


just moved