About us

Trees of H.O.P.E. needs you to help us save the world!

Our story:

One day, in fourth grade, three girls were walking laps at recess and noticed that there was a lot of trash. Kiera ( one of the girls ) said that we needed to do something about it. So Meredith ( another one of the girls ) said they should make a club to encourage others to help the girls pick up trash. After a couple of days of picking up trash, Gabriella said, "We need a name for our club." And that is how Trees of H.O.P.E. was born!

What we do in Trees of H.O.P.E. :

Every other day at school, for recess we go around the school and we pick as much trash as we can. We always make sure to use rubber gloves and trash bags and wash our hands when we are done. You never know what you might find laying around the school grounds. See Gross facts below.

We also advertise by hanging up hand-made posters. We love it when we see other kids helping.

Gross facts:

  • Marleena has found 40 band-aids so far. Yuck. Yet funny.
  • Meredith once found an Easter egg with a corndog in it. (It wasn't even near Easter)
  • Marleena has found 2 lollipop sticks. G-R-O-S-S!!!

How can you help?

Three new members have joined our club. Julia, Marleena and Julianna really wanted to help out and so they walk around with us every time! If you want to be in our club, you can become a Trees of H.O.P.E classroom or family by picking up 5 pieces of trash wherever you see it.

Good news! You don't have to be a student at Woodlawn to pick up trash. Anyone can HELP OUR PLANET EARTH by picking up trash around their homes and work.

The word H.O.P.E in our name stands for: Help Our Planet Earth.