Presentation Awards
The American Society of Naturalists has graciously sponsored four student presentation awards. Both graduate and undergraduate students are eligible for consideration. Two students will be recognized for superior talks, one traditional and one lightning talk. Two students will be recognized for outstanding posters, one student at the graduate level, the other student at the undergraduate level. In order to be considered for an award, please indicate your interest during registration.
Travel Awards
We are excited to announce that due to TREE's generous sponsorship by the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN), we are able to offer a limited number of awards of up to $200 to assist with expenses related to attendance at the Event, including transportation, accommodations, and childcare. Priority for these awards will be given to individuals without alternative funding sources to support their attendance at TREE and to those who have submitted an abstract (for any type of presentation).