Best Ayurveda Treatments for your Kidney Stone

The two kidneys are one of our body's most crucial organs since they remove toxins and a lot of fluids in the form of urine. Therefore, it should be clear how important it is to look after our kidneys. Kidney stones are small solid collections of stone crystals that may exist. In the kidneys themselves, kidney stones can take on a different types and shapes.

However, these kidney stones have the potential to move anywhere in your urinary system and may become lodged. The kidneys, urethra, ureters, and urine bladder make up the urinary tract system.  Any of these areas might experience emergency waves of excruciating severe pain due to a kidney obstruction.

Depending on stone size and mineral composition, kidney stones can be divided into four different categories.

In 80% of instances, calcium oxalate kidney stones are the most prevalent. Cysteine stones, struvite stones, and uric acid stones are among the uncommon varieties.

Effective Ayurveda Kidney Stone Treatment

·         Kidney stones can be broken up and expelled using an aqueous decoction of Celosia argental.

·         Numerous plants have been referred to as pashanbheda, but due to its capacity to dissolve kidney stones, Bergenia ligulata is now recognized as the Ayurveda medication.

·         In several investigations, it was discovered that the root of this plant prevented the production of calcium oxalate.

·         Another Ayurveda herb used to treat problems of the urinary system is the Gokshura root or fruit (Tribulus Terrestris).

·         The Ayurveda herb Crataeva nurvala, also known as Varun bark, is essential for breaking renal calculi and preventing stone development.

·         Renal stones and lower the concentration of stone-forming bacteria, the aqueous extracts of the roots of Moringa Oleifera, often known as drumsticks, have been proven to be effective.

Small kidney stones are very easy to cure. They may even naturally flow from the ureters to the bladder. However, if you have huge renal stones, they can be uncomfortable, are too big to pass on their own, and likely to cause significant harm to your kidneys and other important organs. Kidney stones must be properly treated with a blend of potent medicines and home treatments.

To get well, follow these dietary recommendations

1.      Water is the most straightforward treatment that every doctor suggests for a natural recovery from kidney stones. You should drink a lot and a lot of water since it will keep your body hydrated and aid to flush out the toxins and other undesired elements that cause kidney stones. Water will facilitate the stones' passage through the urine.

2.      Many people believe coconut water to be the healthiest beverage because it may dissolve kidney stones. It has been demonstrated to be essential for breaking up and eliminating all your kidney stones through urination. The burning feeling that happens during every urination has been proven to be very effectively relieved by coconut water.

3.      Magnesium is abundant in ladyfingers, which also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Lady Finger is the best treatment for kidney stones since it also prevents the crystallization of substances found in the kidneys. Since a lady’s finger is a great Ayurveda treatment for kidney stones, including one in your diet might be beneficial.

4.      Tulsi has been discovered to maintain the uric acid, fluid, and mineral balance in your kidney. Take tulsi leaves in your regular tea or with honey many times each day. Additionally, kidney stones will be removed from the urinary tract as a result of this. It also assists the wellness of your kidneys. Another choice is basil leaf juice made fresh. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities of basil or tulsi are excellent for the kidneys.

5.      For kidney stones, lemon juice with warm or regular water works wonders. To make it palatable, you can also add salt or honey. Lemon juice helps to break up kidney stones, whilst honey acts as a lubricant to make them more readily pass through the urine.

6.      Kollu can be used to both prevent and treat stones in the gallbladder and kidneys. The stone can be broken up into little pieces by the pulse so that they can more easily travel through the urinary system. Kollu, the wonder pulse, is said to have a number of positive health effects.

Other Things to Consider

·         Don't eat at strange times. Eat moderately and on schedule for each meal.

·         Whenever you feel the pressure to urinate. Don't resist your impulses.

·         First thing in the morning, sip on two glasses of warm water. This helps the bowels get thoroughly cleaned.

·         Reduce your dairy intake, and stay away from corn-based meals, and excessive amounts of bananas, tomatoes, and chiku.

·         Increase your consumption of all water-rich fruits.

·         Regular yoga practice.

Samved Urology Hospital is one of the leading urology hospitals in India. We are providing endoscopic treatment for kidney stone, laser kidney stone removal treatment, prostate laser surgery and many more by the best urologist doctor in India.